Chapter 9

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This is chapter 9, it's gonna be both janthony & demmy

I hope you like it

Anthony's POV: "Hey, have you guys seen, Daveed?" I asked the others; Lin, Leslie & Oak. "He's on the couch thinking about...something." Oak said as I knew exactly who Daveed was thinking about. "I'll talk to him you guys can wait in the lobby." I said as Lin, Oak & Leslie left as I sat down on the couch with Daveed on the other side. "Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked him as he told me why. "How about we all go to the carnival tonight." I'd suggested to him. "The carnival?" Daveed was a little confused at the statement. "Yeah, it'll be fun." I'd requested him. "Okay but you have to ask Jasmine." Daveed told me as I sighed. "Fine but you're asking Emmy to the carnival as well." I said as Daveed somewhat rolled his eyes at me for teasing him. "Ah ha ha, very funny..." He said sarcastically then we went to the lobby where the others were.

Daveed's POV: I can't believe I was gonna ask Emmy to go to the carnival with me, I was a little nervous but I decided to swallow my pride & ask her before the day was over, Anthony told me that he already asked Jasmine so I guess it's my turn, I knocked on the door & waited. "Oh hi Daveed, what are you doing here?" Emmy asked me as I took a deep breath & looked into her pretty light autumn brown eyes, they were just perfect. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to the carnival with me, it's open once each summer..." I rambled on until Emmy stopped me. "Sure!" She said happily. "What'd you say?" I asked her, looking at her. "I said I'll go with you to the carnival, it sounds like fun." Emmy said as she smiled at me. "Okay let's go tomorrow besides everyone else might be coming as well, is that okay with you?" I asked her. "Yeah, that's fine with me." Emmy said as I waved bye & I saw her to do the same thing, I can't believe I asked her to hangout with me. His thoughts: Okay next time I'm asking her on a date...well I'm ready I mean

I hope you liked & enjoyed it
I have a part 2 to this chapter all of which I'll update it later or soon
That's all for now
See ya later
Bye my angels

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