36. Playlist💥

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Warning: Cute shit about to happen

I inhale and open the door.

It's dark here and I hear music. I walk over to this bed and see him laying there. First, all I see is him. He's asleep. He's not smiling, but also not frowning, which is a good thing.

I walk over to turn off the music, but stop when I recognize the song. Did he...? I look at the tablet and see that he indeed was playing my playlist.

I smile.

Then I walk over to him and see that his face is laying on the teddy sloth I gave him. His one arm holds it tightly, as if he doesn't want to lose it.

I melt.

I see he has his phone in his hand and unlock it, to see what he was doing. Our pictures appear on the screen.

Tears start to well up.

My gaze goes trough his room. Above his bed, there is a big poster from our photo. The frame I gave him is standing on his nightstand.

These are sides from him he would never show me. He would hide all these little things, but they make me smile.

I turn on the light and he groans, moving his legs a little. My finger goes over his temple and he frowns. Then I give him a kiss on his forehead and he starts waking up.

He mumbles something and rubs in his eyes. As he starts to be awake, he blinks rapidly. When he's fully awake, he looks at his pillow and sighs. Then he turns around and jumps up as he sees me.

His eyes widen and he rubs his eyes again. His fingers go to my hand and he smiles when I take his hand in mine. "Wha... You're here? How did you..." His confusion and sleep are obvious in his voice and I silence him by giving him a small kiss.

I lay down next to him and he looks happy. His leg is wrapped around mines and his arm is draped over my chest. His head rest on my shoulder and he snores in my ear. I stay awake, looking at him when he's asleep. This time, he smiles broadly.

The door opens and I see Nell coming in. She doesn't see me at first, but her eyes widen when she does. "What... Does he know?" she asks and I shrug. "I woke him up, but he was really tired and I don't think he quite realized it." I grin. She giggles. "Sounds like him."

At that exact moment he starts to speak in his dream. "Queen..." He's smiling, so I guess it's a good thing. "... Love you..." he mumbles and his legs move a little. "Is he awake or not?" I ask and she shrugs. "I have no idea. But I'll leave you. Bye!" She stands up and I wave.

"Time to wake you up, don't you think?" I say to Stan, even though he can't hear me. I start kissing him in the neck and he wakes up, smiling. But when he sees me, he frowns. He looks around the room and then back at me.

He jumps up and rips the poster off the wall. The frame goes in his suitcase and he muffles the sloth under his bed. "Ur... Hi?" he smiles awkwardly. I giggle. "Do you really think I didn't see them already? Why would you hide this kind of cute things? They make me smile." I say and he sighs. He lays down again and cuddles me.

"How much did you see?" he asks and I giggle again. "I came in last night, when you were asleep. The playlist was still playing and you were almost drooling over the sloth. And when I unlocked your phone, you were looking at your pics." I smile and his eyes close for a moment.

"You weren't supposed to see that!" he sighs, but I see a little smile. "Ow, come on. It's cute. I love it." I say and his grip tightens. "And I love you. That bear, you are so smart. And that playlist..." He stops talking, but when he looks up, his eyes are wet.

"That playlist... It describes us... so perfectly... I love you so fucking much." he manages out, looking for words. "I love you too. But you're a good liar." I say and he freezes. "What... How?" he asks in a small voice.

I smirk, but he doesn't see it. His body is still and his grip is tight. "Well, you said that it was not as hot as I am here, but you lied. It's fucking hot and it's only nine." I say and he relaxes.

"No, I didn't lie. You just don't know how hot you really are." he shrugs and smiles at me. "How long can you stay? I mean, I didn't expect you here so soon and isn't it school?" he asks, wondering. I grin.

"I can stay for a whole week. And yes, it's school. But they invented some new project where you can choose a country, and then you have to stay there a week. To learn the culture or something. Now, me and my smart ass chose Italy, because I know you're here. So here I am. Let's explore the city together!" I shout enthusiastically and he smiles.

His eyes are set playful and I roll my eyes, knowing there will come a dirty joke. "I would much rather explore something different." he smirks and kisses me on my cheek. I decide to play dumb.

"Oh really? This house, maybe? Or... the beach?" I ask innocent. He groans and moves a little, so I feel his hard cock pricking in my leg. I giggle, then pout. His eyes widen and he backs off. Good, he knows he'll have to offer something.

I smirk because I know I'll be in control again. "You can choose. Or the ducktape, or the blindfold."

He seems to doubt. "Blindfold." he says then. I grin. "I knew you would pick that one, I don't even have the ducktape with me. But I do have the cuffs." He shakes his head laughing and undresses. "Close the door, Queen." he says and I oblige.

"You know how it works, on your back." I say and he obeys. I undress hem and then cuff him to the bed. He sighs when he sees the blindfold. "When I say stop, you'll undo it immediately, right?" he asks and I nod. "Okay."

I blindfold him and his body tenses. "I will stay here, baby. I'm not moving, only on your cock." I whisper and he hardens even more. I undress and put on a condom. "Queen?" he asks. "Yes?" I answer. He shakes his head. "Nothing, just wanted to make sure you're still here. Can't you touch me, I don't care where, so I'll know where you are?" he asks and I shrug.

While I move to the other side of the bed, I let a finger go over his bulge. He inhales sharply and I giggle. I climb on top of him, letting go of his bulge, and place myself on it. "Arh... fuck!" Stan starts panting. It's weird he starts panting the minute I'm on him, but he isn't tired 'till he reaches his own number ten.

I start moving my hips in circling movements and he moans. My fingers slide over his chest and he gets goosebumps. "Please... Kiss me?" he begs. I bent down to kiss him and he moans. I grin and kiss him.

"F-faster..." he moans and his body jerks under me. I smirk. I did some research on the internet and I'll make him cum so hard he'll be tired for weeks after I'm done this week. "You like that, baby? I bet you'll like this." I tell him and he moans again.

"Q-Queen... please..." he struggles. "I... close..." he pants. I smash on him and his jaw drops, then clenches again. I start panting too. "Don't... cum now. Wait 'till I say... it." I grin and he curls his toes. "Please..." he begs.

I smash again and he sighs loud. I'm on the edge as I smash again. "Come on, baby, you can cum." I say and let myself go. He shouts my name and finishes hard. He's still panting when I remove his condom and free him from the cuffs.

He removes the blindfold himself and smiles when I snuggle on his chest. "I'll feel that for another week." he says and rests his head on mine. I giggle. "That's the point." "What do you want to do for the rest of the day?" he asks. I shrug.

"What do you think of listening to our playlist and walk on the beach?"


Arghhh that first parttt

Second part, because you all like it I know you do


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