60. Crying

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Finally, it's done.

The man we had to help is still alive, and the surgery went perfect. No complications, no problems and no journalists in our way. We made it.

It's three a.m., and I'm tired as fuck. I had to stand for eighteen hours straight, working with my best concentration. Now there's a recetion, but I'm just gonna stay for fifteen minutes. I want to go home.

"Good job, bro!" Alec nudges me and Nell gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks," I smile dazed. I'm so tired. I get up, but some journalist stands in my way. He wants an interview. I can't even stand on my legs and he wants an interview.

Lucky for me, Nell pushes him aside. She looks at me with worry. "Go home, Stan. You're so tired. You can always do those interviews later. Go home and sleep." she tells me and I nod. "Okay," My voice is tired, too.

I get in my car and try to focus as much as I can on the road and the traffic. Once, I almost hit a car, but I'm doing pretty good. I'm home and walk to the bedroom. I'm so tired I almost walk against the wall, but I make it. I smile when I see Queen.

The first thing I notice, is that she's sleeping with Flash. Why? She wanted to... smell herself? Then it hits me. All the times I slept with it... it probably smells like me too. I melt for her.

But then I notice the rest. She's frowning, pale and has her arms clutched to her stomach in her sleep. Oh no. She's still sick? But she seemed okay this morning?

I left her here, all alone, sick. I should have known better. Worried, I pick her up and drape some blankets over her, so she won't be cold. I carry her to the balcony for some fresh air. She starts to mumble, but her face isn't that pale anymore.

I sigh relieved and walk back to the bedroom. I lie down and place her onto me. Her eyes open a bit, she smiles and falls asleep again. I fall asleep too, tired as fuck but happy I'm with her.


She wakes me up by tugging at my shirt.

I sigh, still tired. "What's wrong, Queen?" I frown. I open my eyes and see she's standing next to the bed, a tissue in her hand. She's crying. "Sorry, I.... I'm sorry," she cries. I don't get it. What's wrong? "I got sick and was too late to..." she manages out trough her tears. I look down and see a wet spot on my shirt.

"Queen, thing like this happens. It's no big deal. Are you okay? How are you feeling?" i ask concerned. So the balcony didn't help. "I'm good. I'm sorry," she sniffs. I shake my head and throw my shirt on the ground. "There's no problem. Come on, let's sleep."

I pick her up and lay her on my bare chest. "You're gonna get cold," she sobs. I shake my head and rub her hair, calming her down. "Now, why are you crying?" I ask and she shrugs. "I thought... maybe you would be mad. Or maybe I'm just emotional." she says and I nod.

"I'm not mad," I say and she gives me a kiss. "I know." She snuggles to my chest and I warm her up a little bit. "I got a mail from evening school. I got in." she smiles. I give her a kiss. "I'm proud of you," I smile. Then, I frown. "So you'll be gone every night to school?" I ask and she giggles. "No, stupid! Not every night! Only the Thursday."

Oh. I thought every night. "Yeah, it didn't sound quite logical to me." I give her a kiss on the forehead. "Nothing sounds logical to you. You're stupid," she teases and I raise an eyebrow. I tip her nose. She giggles. "I'm not stupid. I just did the biggest surgery in history." I tell her.

She shrugs. "I could do that too." She rolls her eyes. Now I raise both of my eyebrows. "You think you could work for eighteen hours, with upper concentration and focus, and not collapse? Baby, I think you can do a lot, but not that." I tell her, earning a glare. "I would prove it if I could." she shrugs.

I laugh and hug her. "I'm glad you can't. We don't wanna lose patients, do we?" I smirk and she rolls her eyes. "Okay, okay. You're the smart one." she sighs and gives me a kiss. "How did the surgery go?" she asks and I smile. She's the best.

"It went good. But by the time we were done, I couldn't stand on my legs." I sigh, closing my eyes. "Are you still tired?" she asks and I shrug. " A little, but it's okay. Whatcha wanna do today?" I ask and she smiles a lazy smile. "Absolutey nothing. Just stay here in bed and watch movies with my cute, but tired boyfriend."

I smile. "And where is the part where my hot girlfriend shows up?" I ask and she shrugs. "Not today. Today you'll have to deal with your messy girlfriend."

"I like both," I smile and hug her. "What movie?" She giggles and I know the answer immediately. I shake my head. "No. No, Queen, I love you, but don't do this to me!" I shout. She just smirks and goes to Netflix. New moon.

Goddamnit. "No..." I wail. "Stop whining. You'll be asleep." she says. I sigh, but let it go. she's right, I think I'm gonna sleep a bit. "Queen-" I start, but she cuts me off. "No, let me look at Edward. He's no danger, because he's not real." she interrupts me. "I wanted to say I want to cuddle you until I'm asleep, but you can watch your Edward. Goodnight."

I close my eyes and feel her moving, then her arms wrapped around me. Thought so. "Goodnight. I love you." she whispers. I smile and sigh deeply. "The absence of him is everywhere I look."

Ugh. I might as well watch the movie, I'll fall asleep either way. "Why would you do this to me?" I ask, seriously. "Because I love Edward," she answers. "Um... auch?" I say.

She rolls her eyes. "In a very different way. You're just a friend and he's my lover." We gonna play it like that? "Oh I know we're just friends. I'm marrying Julia Roberts in a week." I tease. She fake gasps. "Can I come to the wedding? Please?" she pleads.

"Sure. You're the bride," I smile and now she gasps for real. "You want to marry me?" she asks. I roll my eyes. Yeah, like that wasn't clear.

"Of course I do. I love you. But I'm gonna sleep now." I give her a kiss and close my eyes.

I fall asleep. Happy.

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