63. Perfect

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"Time for the tradition!"

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"Time for the tradition!"

Mom yells and leads us to the couch. It's the second day of Christmas, and we're with my parents. Nell and Alec are here too.

Stan frowns. "Tradition?" he whispers as we walk to the living room. I laugh and nod.

"Yes, boy. The tradition is watching a Christmas movie on Christmas!" mom enthusiastically yells. Stan sighs, but doesn't protest. Nell and Alec take the love seat, so do mom and dad, so Stan and I have the couch for us.

Stan lies down and I sit on his back. An 'umpf'-sound escapes him and I quickly stand up again. Am I that heavy? His eyes widen and he turns around. "Queen, please sit back down again. I just didn't expect it, that's all."

I nod and sit down again. Mom starts the movie Holidate and I'm happy. It's the first Christmas in five years that I'm happy. And I enjoy it the fullest.

"Why is he so mad?" Stan frowns as we are halfway the movie. I roll my eyes. "He's in love with her. People do stupid things when they're in love," I say and tap the tip of his nose. He smiles and watches the rest of the movie.

"Nora! He's asleep!" Nell whisper-yells. I look down at Stan, he's snoring lightly. I melt. He's so cute!

They all get up and take out their phone. They come closer to take a pic of him, but just then he wakes up. "BAH!" he shouts as he opens his eyes. They jump backwards and I start laughing. His face!

He rolls his eyes and groans, flipping over to his stomach. "I just escaped the paparazzi. Leave me alone." he growls, but smiles. I notice he places his legs next to each other, on even height, so I can sit on them. I smile and walk to the kitchen.

"Queen!" he calls after me. "I'll be back!" I yell back. I want a cookie...

I take a cookie and walk back to Stan. Just as I want to sit down, dad puts on the radio. "Let's dance!"

Smiling, Stan gets up. "Wanna dance?" he asks and I nod, surprised he suggests this. I listen to the presenter. "And here is Ed Sheeran with 'Perfect'!"

"So we're gonna slow," Stan whispers. I rest my head on his chest and see Alec and Nell are slowing too. Mom and dad are just stepping on each others feet.

"I found a love for me"

He gives me a kiss.

"Oh darling, just dive right in and follow my lead"

He turns us around.

"Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet"

He winks and gives me another kiss on my cheek.

"Oh I never knew you were the someone waiting for me"

His eyes meet mine and his cute dimples show when he smiles.

Not so much in love with the badboy (ENGLISH)-✔Where stories live. Discover now