50. Paparazzi

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I frown when I see all those men standing in front of me. "Hello Miss. Can we come in? Is Mister Graey home?" one of them asks. I decide to act dumb.

"I'm sorry, who?" I ask. They look at each other and seem to doubt. "Well, Stan Graey lives here, right?" he asks and I shake my head. "No, I'm sorry. I think you're wrong." I say with a fake sweet voice.

"No we're not! We're paparazzi, we are always right!" one in the back yells and I roll my eyes. "Not on this one. Who the hell is Stan Graey?" I ask, confused. The one in front of me sighs.

"Guys, she's probably right. Let's go." They nod and start to leave. I'm happy with myself I got them going so fast.

As I close the door, I hear nothing. Did he fall asleep?


I run back and see him laying on the couch. He's frowning and shaking. Since when does he shake when having a nightmare?

He has to wake up, and fast. I grab his shoulders and shake him awake. He gasps and looks around, dazed.

Then he recognizes me and starts breathing slower. I hug him and his grip is tight. "I love you. Don't ever leave me." he begs and my heart does a flip.

My god. How can he be so cute while he's so vulnerable?

"I'm here. I won't leave you. I love you." I keep telling him, so much he finally believes them.

He falls back asleep in my arms. I rub his hair and his lips part.

I feel like I should keep him safe from nightmares, but always fail in it.

"I love you." I whisper and he smiles. His head moves to a side and he opens his eyes. "You're awake." I frown.

"The whole time." he grins and gets up. I feel betrayed. I glare at him and he chuckles.

I get up too and walk to his bedroom. "Let's sleep for real." I say and he shrugs.

I lay down, my back to him. I'm not mad, but I really thought he was asleep.

"Are you mad?" His voice is small and when I turn around to look at him, he's standing next to the bed, seeming insecure. "No." I answer and he sigh, relieved.

He curls up next to me and pulls me on his chest. "I like it when you're laying on my chest. It feels good." he tells me and I smile up at him.

"Well, I like it when you sleep in my lap." I tease him, but his eyes widen. "I thought you didn't like that, that you thought it was annoying." he tells me and I shake my head.

I tug at his hair and his eyes flutter close. "Oh gosh, I fucking love that." he almost moans and I giggle.

"How's your head doing?" I ask him and he nods. "Better. Tomorrow I can fuck you again." he smirks and I roll my eyes.

"Tomorrow we're going for that apartment, remember?" He nods. "Oh, I know. I'm litarely lighting up from happiness, I can't not know it."

I melt. He's so happy with just me being here. "I love you." I say and his broad smile appears. "Oh Queen, you have no idea how much I love you. I've waited four years for you, but I would have waited ten if I needed to. They would have been horrible, but I would have survived them. You know why?"

I shake my head. "Because I know in the end, I'm the one who wins. Look at you, I won at life. You're better than the Nobel prize, always have been. I don't care about that stupid prize. Sure, it's cool, but you're the real prize."

I gasp. I'm better than a Nobel prize? He never said such things, and I wish he did. It's fantastic how he brings out his feelings.

"You're being cute again." I say and he laughs. "I'm always cute. That's why you won at life, too. Because you have me." he says, but makes it sound like a joke. I clinge more to him.

Not so much in love with the badboy (ENGLISH)-✔Where stories live. Discover now