31. Hear💥

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"Are you ready to go?" 

I nod and follow Stan to the exit and intertwine our hands. He opens the car and I get in, shivering. It's cold outside without a jacket.

"So, tell me." Stan says as we drive away. I giggle and look at the backseat, where Alec and Nell are making out. "No, those two can't hear it." I smirk. He sighs frustrated.

I know he wants to know his reward, but he'll find out. I realize his speed is higher than normal and I chuckle. He really wants to know...

In no time we're home, but I stay seated in the warm car. He gets out and Alec and Nellie disappeared too. When he realizes I won't get out, he frowns frustrated. "Come on, Queen." he begs.

I giggle and get out. Immediately, I shiver and feel his hand wrapped around my wrist. Then, he picks me up and carries me inside. I tuck myself to his chest and enjoy his warmth. 

Inside, he places on the couch and walks away. I cringe from the beginning pain and curl up in a ball. That will hurt tomorrow...

I feel Stan sitting next to me and pulling me onto his lap. "Are you sure you're okay?" he asks, and I hear worry in his voice. I smile up at him and he relaxes. "I'm good. And, now we're here..." I grin and he smiles. "Yes?"

"Now we're here I can tell you what your reward is. Or do you wanna let me do it, while you have no idea what's gonna come?" I whisper sultry. His eyes widen and he nods. "Words, baby." I command.

He gulps. "The second one, please." he begs and I see he's hard for the third time tonight. "Let's show you, then." I smirk. I take his hand in mine and lead him to his room. 

I open the door, but stop moving when I hear muted noises. Quickly, I walk over to Nells door and place my ear against the door. 

"Fuck!" I hear Alec curse.

"It... feels so good!" Nell moans.

I giggle and walk back to Stan, who's waiting for me. "Come on, loverboy." I smirk. I push him in the room and kiss him. The door is closed and he walks backwards to his bed, still kissing me. 

"And now, you'll get your reward for staying so quiet. Lay down on the bed, on your back, and close your eyes. Don't protest." I order. He obeys and I walk over to his closet, to take the cuffs again.

When I take his hands and put on the cuffs, he sighs. "I knew it. I'm gonna regret this, Aren't I?" he says, but I knew this excites him.

"You assume correctly." I smirk. All the cuffs are done and he can't move anymore. I did them tighter than last time, but he doesn't mind. I walk back to the closet and he frowns. 

"Why aren't you taking your clothes off?" he asks, and I hear confusing. I giggle and take duck tape and a blindfold. 

"Oh no! Queen, don't torture me! I can't handle them all at the same time!" he protests. I shrug. "Deal with it." I blindfold him and he sighs.

"What's the ducktape for, though?" he asks. I  grin and place it on hos mouth, but I watch it carefully that it's not covering his nose, so he can breath. His nose wrinkles and he mumbles something in the ducktape. 

I undress him and place a condom over his hard, big cock. His body tenses, but I let go of him. It's funny to see he's preparing for something, although he won't know what will happen.  I undress, but don't touch him. 

Then I let a finger slide over his V-line. I hear his muted moan and I let go of him again. If I do this a couple of times, he may understand...

I do it again and he moans even louder. Okay, he doesn't understand...

Not so much in love with the badboy (ENGLISH)-✔Where stories live. Discover now