37. Leave

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"Do you really have to leave?"

He pouts when I nod. "You'll come to Belgium in two weeks." I remind him and he sighs. "But how am I gonna survive? I mean, you can't just be on top of me all week, then leave en expect me to not think of you for two weeks." he pouts.

I giggle. "You still have the sloth..." I tell him and he looks at it. Sighing, he gets up and gives me a kiss. "I love you. Text me when you're on the plane and when you get home safe, okay?" he asks for the thousandth time and I nod. "Okay. I love you." I say and I turn around. I walk out the door and get in the taxi, which is waiting for me.

I look up, to see him standing behind the window, waving at me. I wave back and the taxi starts to drive. The driver isn't very social, but I don't care. I'm too busy with crying.

Then, I get a call. Slothiee<3 is calling... I smile. I pick up and see that it's Facetime. He has wet cheeks and smiles sadly. "You told me to call you whenever I miss you, so..." he says and I laugh. "I miss you too, baby. What about we call tonight and stay on the call 'till we both fall asleep?" He nods and smiles a little bit.

"I miss you already and you aren't even a mile away from me." he sighs. "I know, but you'll get used to it." I assure him. "Yeah, maybe... Oh! And if Max or anyone tries something, tell me. I swear I'll get on the first plane I can get and beat him up." I nod.

"Only then?" I fake pout. He laughs. "No, you know if I could, I would go right now on that plane with you. But unfortunately, my parents made a deal with me that contains I only can take one plane once in the two weeks. So, In about a week and a half, I'll be with you in that cold Belgium." he chuckles, then sighs.

"Nell needs me. Text me!" he says and I wave. He hangs up and I sigh. The taxi arrives at the airport and I pay the driver, then stroll in.

*Ding dong*

"Ladies and gentlemen, you're plane to Belgium leaves in fifteen minutes. Please get in." I hear a female voice say. I sigh and get in the airplane.

I'm lucky to sit next to the window, so I watch the sunset when we start.

Me: Safe on the plane <3

Me: Ly

I lock my phone, but unlock it almost immediately again when he answers. Ahw, he waited.

Slothiee<3: I love u too

Slothiee<3: Very much

Slothiee<3: And u know it

Slothiee<3: Can we do that lil game again?

Slothiee<3: You know, with those animals?

Slothiee<3: I say horse, you search an animal with an e?

Slothiee<3: ???

Slothiee<3 I love u

Slothiee<3: We still calling tonight, r we?

Slothiee<3: Cus I need your voice to sleep

Slothiee<3: Fuck I cant get u out of my head

Slothiee<3: *pic*

Slothiee<3: Again some hoe that thinks im gonna dump u

Slothiee<3: Dumb bitchasss

Slothiee<3: I blocked her, donut worry

Slothiee<3: You saw that one?^

Slothiee<3: donut🍤

Slothiee<3: Shit, thats not a donut

I shake my head and laugh a little. He only needs ten seconds to spam my phone and he knows it.

Not so much in love with the badboy (ENGLISH)-✔Where stories live. Discover now