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Hi everyone, this is a thank you post from me. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 376K READS!

It is huge for me! When I first started writing this I did not think that it will gain so much love on wattpad. It was a story I wanted to read, But couldn't find anywhere on Wattpad , so I wrote what I wanted to read. Please keep motivating me to write more and bring better plotlines for you all to enjoy. 

Sakeena <3

Here is sneak peek into the story of Varun and Prachi ( read to know why it is not Ishika and Varun)

•••••••••••••••••••••••••• PRACHI WHO?••••••••••••••••••••••••••

"Sara! This newspaper is a property of college library! Don't crush it." My friend and classmate , Prachi whispers to me.

"Huh?" I look down at my hands on the table, which had crushed a picture at the corner of the newspaper.

'Karan Singhania Closes Another Deal With the Iranian Company , On His Visit.' The article headline read, and the crushed picture shows a smartly dressed Mr. Singhania smiling at the camera , standing alongside a man in Arabian turban.

"Sorry. I zoned out a little." I smooth back the picture from the palm of my hand.

" Nevermind, let's go get coffee before the next class starts."


We exit the library and head towards the campus cafeteria. I mentally count the money, I have left.

"Anyways, do you know? Today our Ex-Vice chancellor is giving a lecture." Prachi mentions.

"Oh, where? At the Amphitheater?"

"No, at the auditorium, and there are so many well dressed bodyguards with him. All wearing black and white suits, and they have that cool earpieces and sunglasses"

"He must need more security , since he is now a Member of Parliament."

We stand in the line of the cafe to place our order.

" do you know this?" I ask her.

" I saw them earlier."

"Who? The bodyguards?" I turn around to see that Dev and Tanmay have joined us too.


They four of us stay together at college. We are the group that doesn't attract attention towards ourselves. The average looking group , with average grades ( no one knows , I am here on a scholarship).

Tanmay, Dev , Prachi and I are the average group, not too smart but not too dull, not too pretty but not too shabby. Just a group of average looking college group. The most blended in group of the crowd.

"Let's bunk class and go to the auditorium" the bunk master of our group, Dev suggests. He gets to sit for exams even with a low attendance, because of all the cultural activities he takes part in.

"Some of the ex-VC's bodyguards are really handsome" Prachi says dreamily.

Tanmay agrees to bunk because of the handsome bodyguards.

"You both have such a similar mind. Please become siblings." Dev says to the duo.

"Yes! Prachi ask your dad to adopt me. He is Rich! I want a car after becoming his son" Tanmay jokes

" Ew! No! Just stay my friend. I would never fantasize about hot boys with my gay brother" She shudders, making the three of us laugh.
"I am bisexual, not gay"

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