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Lately Karan has been annoying me so much. It is not just karan, it is everything. The way a pressure cooker goes off, Karan's alarm , his god-damned socks which he keeps leaving in the couch, and his phones ring tone. It rings a hundred times in an hour I tell you.

"Are you pregnant?" Ishita asks me, as I sip my latte. We are currently sitting in a cafe near our house because Karan won't let us go any farther than this without him or one of Varun's bodyguards.

"Nope. I am due in a few days. Besides your brother is being so annoying that I don't even feel like sleeping with him anymore."

"Must be the PMS then." She mumbles from over the rim of her coffee mug.

"Why are you so interested?"

" You are being moody"

"I am always moody"

"You are being moodier"


"Come on , speak up. What is the problem.?"

" I....nothing. I don't know."

"Listen, how about you just take the test. You will get the good news if you are preggers and if you're not......no harm done"

"So.....what is it?" Ishita asks.

All eyes are at me as I stand with the result in my hand. Karan looks nervous, Varun is standing by the fridge, a drink in his hand. Armaan is his  nonchalant, calm self.

Ishita looks the most eager to hear the news.

I turn to Karan " A quick question- what is the thing that I like the most when I am disappointed?"

He fumbles through his thoughts to answer "chocolate, movies....songs.....no?"

We have been living together for two whole years now he can't even answer the most basic question with confidence.

"Do you see that? He is not ready to be a dad! He doesn't even know this simple question." I sit down on the couch with my head in my hands.

"So the result was negative?" Ishita asks. I look around and now Varun and Armaan have left their spots and are standing beside Karan , their faces solemn.

" No! I am pregnant!" I exclaim " And your brother doesn't even know how to be a dad. It is going to be a dis-"

Varun's obnoxious laughter cuts me mid rant. "You are doomed to nine months of misery. And then some more misery. Told ya shouldn't have gotten married."  He says as he pats Karan's shoulder.

"You do know you will marry me." Ishita says with narrowed eyes.

"You are special, babe." It was enough to make Ishita light up like a red bulb.

"Hello! Worried soon-to-be mother here! Does anyone even care abo-" this time it is Karan who shuts me up, with a kiss. What is up with these boys cutting me off mid rants.

"I am sorry , I don't know what your comfort food is yet..... But I will try my best to be the best father and husb-"
This time I shut him up, ignoring the absolutely annoying friends of his who are making gaging noises in the background.

Not matter how unfair this forced marriage was, I did get one good thing out of it - Karan. Okay....he is not a thing, but you get my point. And now we are going to get a mini-us.

Life is perfect.


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