Willing Escape

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"That is sick di, you can't marry that guy, his parents are fucking insane, forcing a girl to marry their son, so that they can get ownership of a fücking company or shït"

Prachi is walking back and forth, in front of the foot of my bed, on which I am sitting.

She maybe ranting but her words do hit the nail right on the head.

If a nail had a head that is.

"You can't marry him!"

"Ummm......but I am kinda being married off.....to him"

" He must be a wimp if he can't even find a bride for himself. "

Prachi is not really helping with all her assumptions.

I need to get out.

This house is suffocating me right now.

" - you now what di, you can run aw-, where are you going?"

Prachi asks me when I move out of my bed and go towards the door.

" I need to escape from here" I tell her.

" what! Now! But we need to plan it properly, you need money, and clothes, where will you go!"

I roll my eyes at Prachi's nervous rant.

She can be such a fool sometimes.

" I am not escaping as in escaping. I am going out for a walk. I'll be back. I just need to be alone for sometime"

"Oh.." Prachi smiles sheepishly.

"Yeah, oh..."   I move towards the door to leave but turn around to add "If mom or  dad asks, please cover up for me"  giving  Prachi a smile I leave the house. Thankfully, my parents were in their room sleeping, considering, it is eleven o'clock at night.

The sky above is dark, with millions of stars twinkling in the sky.

It is such a rare sight in a city.

I look up as I walk on the empty road. It is really nice.

When I look around, And notice that the road is empty. As in no single car is around. Infact not even a single person is around.

It is not strange, as the place I live in is pretty isolated, only a few houses are there.

And suddenly, I just get this absolutely crazy urge to lie down on the road and look at the sky. You know how they did in The Notebook.

So without thinking about it a second time ,I lay down on the road. With my back flat against the ground, then look up and keep staring.

It had only been roughly five or ten minutes I am not sure, when I hear screeching of tires, I sit up abruptly and turn around to see headlights of a car flashing right into my eyes, blinding me, for eternity maybe.

They were that bright.

"shit! Are you dead- no I mean are you alright, oh god I am so sorr- wait I am not sorry, why are you even lying on the road."
I squint my eyes to reduce the glare of the headlights but my attempt is futile. I can barely make out the person standing in front of me. All I can decipher is that , the person is a he. Well, the deep voice of his, gave it away.

" can you see me?" I ask him.

" of-course I can see you"  he answers as if that is the most dumb question someone has ever asked.

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