Forced Proposal

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" We are here for something important, Gupta".
I hide behind the door of our living room with my sister, Prachi and eavesdrop on our guests' conversation with my father.

I silently giggle, because I have an idea as to why they are here.

All the sweets, bangles and ornaments are a dead give away that they are here for a marriage proposal.

They being Mr.Singhania.
He is one of the richest man in the country and is the owner of a leading brand of electrical appliances.

How he knows my father I have no idea.

"oh, what is it, sir?" My father asks.

"As you know my son, Karan is back from America, I want to get him married before he goes back there."

My father gives him a nod.

" I want your daughter's hand for Karan"

I look at Prachi, who is frowning at me while I give her a teasing smile.

"That would be an honour for us, Sir. My younger daughter Prachi, is lucky that she will be your son's-"

Mr. Singhania interrupts dad.

"Who said we want Prachi to marry my son," I frown and so does dad, if not Prachi then who? "I am talking about Ridhima"

I can literally feel all the blood drain from my face, and then uncontrollable fury takes over me, but I calm myself.

Maybe he has no idea that I am engaged.

I look at the gold band encrusted with small diamonds on my ring finger.

My father looks as shocked as me and Prachi " Ridhima? But that is not possible, Sir. She is already engaged to another man."

" I don't care, call off the engagement. I want your daughter to marry my son."


" or else, you and your brother....... I hope you know what I am trying to tell you"

" This is not happening, I am not going to marry your son! I love my fiancé" I announce it to everyone present there as I enter the living room. And notice that Mr. Singhania is the only one who has visited us and apart from my father and Mr.Singhania there are his body guards and his assistant.
" Ridhima! Go back to your room" my father scolds me. I ignore him and look straight at Mr. Singhania.

" oh you will" he gives me a challenging stare but he is mistaken if he thinks his looks can intimidate me.

" you can't force me"

" you think so?"

I don't grace his arrogance with a reply but just glare at him. I feel a presence behind me but ignore it, thinking it is Prachi.
But I am sourly mistaken And I realise that , belatedly when I feel something press on the back of my head.

I turn my head to see one of Singhania's minions behind me and the cold metal is indication enough that he is holding a revolver on my head.

My heart beat increases and I feel my legs go weak and it takes all the strength I have in me to not show the fear on my face.

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