Willing Pretension

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 I will never get over the difference between this family and my family. All of them are always composed and stoic whereas we had no animosity around each other.

Karan's father and step mother are sneering at their surrounding, obviously unimpressed with the state of the house.

Megha is busy typing away on her phone, Ishika hardly ever speaks so, she too is sitting quietly and Karan is sitting there too.

Seriously! This is how they interact.

I get noticed by Mrs. Singhania first. I join my hands and greet her not bothering to touch her feet, I was too far gone with these people to actually care about respect, morals, and manners.

"What kind of dumpster are you living in? I thought you'd be good in at least one thing, that is , keeping a house hygienic." She greets me back. How lovely. She truly is a monster-in-law.

"Your son partied all night, smooched away with some woman I didn't bother to remember the name of, and now you want me to clean after his mess, I am sorry I am not being paid enough to be his personal maid." I jab back. But mind you I was polite enough to maintain my composure and tell her all this in a publicly civil manner.

"Karan! Did you see how she spoke to your mother! I will not tolerate this disrespect, make her apologise this instant." Of course the other Monster Singhania, the daddy bear , had to speak.
Karan gave me a guilty look, then stood up from the sofa to stand in front of me.

"Ridhima, I hope you understood my father. Apologise now." My mouth fell open, I was almost hurt but I realised why he gave that guilty look , he is acting or I hope he is acting because if he is not then we are over for good.

"No." I reply simply.

"What did you say? So you are ill mannered enough to disobey your husband." His step mother chimes in, her affronted tone almost made me feel guilty, as if disobeying my husband was the worst crime in the world.

"Ridhima, don't push me. Just do as I say" Karan says.

"I will apologise but give me one good reason, as to why I need to apologise?"

"Maybe the sarcastic comment would be a good reason for starters, bhabhi" Megha contributes her two cents.

"That may have come out sarcastically but it is the truth" I tell her and then turn to Karan "Didn't you party last night, honey?"

Deciding to ignore them, I move to the kitchen to get something to eat for myself and give the Singhanias some snacks as well.

"Bhabhi,  wait I am also coming. " I hear Ishika behind me.

We both prepare some snacks and coffe for everyone , while a maid, Karan called for, cleans up the house.

"Did you tell bhai?"

"About what?"

"About what I told you."

"No, not yet atleast"

"Then why does he look so detached and mad at dad?"

"I didn't tell him anything but he found out. Don't worry about it."

"What is he going to do now?" Ishika asks me, as we both carry trays laden with food towards the drawing room.


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