Forced Meeting

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It has been two days since I last saw the deceiving bastard, Amar.

I have not talked my parents ever since that day. I know I need to get the whole story but I can't look at mom and think that she has not given birth to me and look at my father and see him as the rapist who raped my mother and got her pregnant and then murdered her.

Also Singhania is such a heartless bastard, his wife was killed by my father yet he wants me, the daughter of the murderer of his wife to marry his son.

Today is the day I am going to meet the asshole, Singhania's son, karan. Also I'm going to meet his other family members.

Prachi is also not talking to our parents. In my confused and appalled state I have totally forgotten that she too had seen everything.

Not only seen but recorded everything on my cell phone.

"Di, don't worry about me, if you don't want to go through with this marriage. Message it to the journalist's number I have saved in your contacts as machhli wala (fish seller)."

The contact name of the journalist made me laugh. There were a few things these days that made me laugh.

But I can't do that, send that video, I mean. Even if I reveal Singhania, he will not be the only one who will get affected. My father and my uncle too would get affected.

I know, I know. How can I possibly think about saving a man who has been a rapist and a murderer. Who has killed my mother the instant I was born.

But he killed a mother I never knew.

He loved me like any father, out there, loves their own legitimate child.

He gave me everything. And even today he is not hurting me. Not physically atleast.

He is just not defending me.

And my mom, even if she is not my birth mother, she was loving enough that I never doubted her.

Me and Prachi both have been the apple of our parents' eyes.
They have given up so many things in life for us that at a moment like this, when all they want from me is to marry a stranger, I can't deny them that. Marrying stranger is not as bad as it sounds. I mean 92% girls in India get married to strangers.

"They are here, Ridhi di. Daddy wants you to come down." Prachi's voice breaks me out of my thoughts.

I nod and then stand up to leave the room but then look at the bed to see the yellow and white salwaar-kurta lying on the bed. It is the dress I am supposed to wear in front of my future in-laws.

I look down at my purple umbrella-cut kurta and chudidaar and decide not to change.

Besides it is the Sighania's who want me. Not the other way around so if they don't like me, I'd be more than happy when they reconsider their decision.

"Ridhima?" I look up to see my mother standing there. It is funny how I can't adjust with the reality that she is not my mother.

I don't say anything as she steps into the room with a weary expression.
"Sweetheart, they want to meet you. I know you are mad at your father and me. But we will talk after this meeting is over. Please, keep an open mind."

I don't say anything to her and walk past her, my heart constricts painfully when I see her eyes well up with tears.

"We were thinking that we get the haldi ceremony done today itself. Karan wants a very simple wedding, with only close friends and relatives involved." A woman's voice reaches me as I enter the living room.

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