Willing Wife

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Mahira Khan as Ridhima
Open for suggestions for the casting of other characters. Leave your suggestions in the comments. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

It has been three weeks, since I went to Karan's office and asked him to give me my phone back , so that ,I can show him the video Prachi made, during the whole fiasco where Amar broke up with me and Gautam threatened my father , if I didn't marry Karan.

But my shock had no boundaries when, Karan refused to give me my cellphone back, because according to him I will show him a manipulated video and may have twisted his father's words in my favour.

Can this man get anymore thick-headed.

I have also started playing my role as an ideal Indian Bahu ( daughter-in-law), and have started supervising the household work, much to Karan and his parents' dismay.

"You asked for tea?"
I enter the dining room which has now been converted into Karan's office. A long story Ishika narrated to me.

Karan looks up from the file he was busy reading, and when he realises it is me who has brought the tea, he asked for, he schools his features in to a scowl.

"I asked the maid. You don't seem like a maid to me"

"I am your wife. You should have asked me."

Karan ignores me and then goes back to reading the file. He has made it a routine. He would go to the main office early in the morning during weekdays and will be holed up in this room during the weekends.
He has been avoiding me and I have been runing after him. Doing my wife duties.

It was funny how freaked out Karan looked ,when I first brought him his morning tea and he didn't notice me first, but then his gaze landed on me while he was sipping his tea and he had mistakenly taken a huge gulp of the hot tea, due to shock and has burned his tongue and throat.

Then for a week he had problem speaking, eating and drinking. Even then I had made him iced tea, cold coffee, lemonade and food which was less spicy so his throat would hurt less while swallowing.

As usual, I keep the tea, I made on his table and sit in front of him, waiting for him to drink it.

One thing I have learned about Karan is , he hates wasting food. He could throw the tea I prepared, away but he drinks it up, he never has left overs and hates taking second helpings no matter how delicious the food is.

The extra prepared food is given to the house help.

"You are not going to leave ?" Karan asks annoyed.

"No" I tell him "I will wait for you to finish, then I'll take the cup and saucer back with me to the kitchen. And during that time we can talk" I add, putting on an excited look.

He rolls his eyes and ignores me altogether.

I tell him about Ishika's obsession with fashion designing and sketching, then tell him about my favourite things. It is the same routine everyday. I don't even try to change the words. Everyday I tell how passionately Ishika loves designing, how much she likes sketching. Then I go about telling him about the things I like and dislike.

I am ignored. Completely.

His cell phone starts ringing and I am not surprised that it is the boring default ringtone, all the iPhone's come with.

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