Forced Partings

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"I didn't know how to tell you, last night but this is my plan." He starts but I am too impatient to listen to his halfhearted explanations.

"What exactly is this ? what is your plan?"

"I am going to put Mr.Gupta where he should have gone a long time ago. He is going to pay for his sins, he is going to pay for killing my mother, he is going to pay for killing your mother, " Karan moves towards the desk, where I am standing, his each step bringing him closer to me.

When he is finally close to me, his hands rest on my shoulders, making the intensity of his gaze on me more scorching, " he is going to pay for keeping you in the dark for so long"

"What about your father?"
"What about him?" His brows furrow in the middle.
"Aren't you going to make him pay for what he did? Dad wasn't the only one who killed your mother ? The murder was planned, dad was just a spawn in your father's power struggle."

I searched his eyes for a trace of realisation, something that will tell me that he had also thought of making his father pay, and not just dad. But I was sourly mistaken.
"You know how influential my dad is, we can't target him , and if he is brought into negative light, the business will suffer."
My mouth falls open at his baseless argumentative reasoning.

"Really? That is your excuse!"
"It is not an excuse, Ridhima. You need to see the pros and cons. Before targeting him."

"So this is how betrayal feels. I should have been familiar with it though. After all I have had to have a taste of it so many times."

Karan's grip tightens on my shoulders " what do you mean betrayal? Ridhima, what are you thinking. Talk to me. Please. " His pleading. Token voice did nothing to appease me. The wound his betrayal left dug a deep bleeding hole which refused to heal right now.

I shove him back, jerking his hands off my shoulders.
"Let's do it then. Go ahead with your plan" Tears escape from the clutches of my eyelashes.

"You expose my dad's true identity. And I will reveal the truth behind your father's multimillion company. As of now you and I are rivals, Karan Singhania. "
I leave his office, and simultaneously walk out of his life.
I need to find evidence.
Two months later

"This is Jenny Karl, reporting live from Manhattan Central hospital. Karan Singhania, who is a well known Indian business man , was brought into the emergency ward last night , and today the doctors have pronounced him dead. He was a victim of a hit and run case, the vehicle and the driver has not been recognised yet. According to the eye witnesses the vehicle was a delivery truck. His wife, is missing at this moment and is unreachable."

Thank you for reading.
Please hang in there. This story is going to end very soon. Please keep reading and supporting me.

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