Forced Introductions

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Mahira Khan as Ridhima ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Karan cannot get the thought of apologising to Ridhima, out of his mind.

He had been extremely rude when he woke her up by throwing water at her face. He didn't want to do that to her. Hating her, making her life hell, all this is making him miserable. Ever since he has met Ridhima, all he could think about was how lucky he was to have her.

But he made her leave the house without having breakfast, today. But, her father killed his mother. Isn't he supposed to hate him and his offsprings? Hate them enough to make their life a living hell?

Deep down, the reasonable part in him knows that Ridhima is maybe innocent in all this, but the fact that she knew about it before she met him, bothers him. It proves that she still went ahead with the wedding because she was dazzled by the money.
Looking back to the day they met, he remembered the time when, Ridhima told him that she is getting married to a guy, she had no idea who Karan was. But then it also reminds him how she mentioned that she is being forced into this.

Everything contradicts each other. And above all this his nanu, she has fallen in love with Ridhima as her granddaughter-in-law. And now she wants him to have babies with Ridhima.
Even his heart wants to follow his Nanu's orders. He regrets ruining their first night, as a wedded couple.
And above all Ridhima is so disgusted by him that she cannot even share a bed with him.

She slept on the sofa just so that she wouldn't have to sleep on the same bed as him.

No matter how much he denied it, but just looking at Ridhima did something to him. On the wedding night it took all of his will power to remember who she is and what she has done, otherwise all his instincts and senses were telling him to loose himself in her.

Even now sitting in his office all he could think about was, her.

What surprised him was how easily Isha, accepted her. Isha, being the shy girl she is, hardly ever makes new friends. And even when she does, Karan is the only person she has ever allowed to eat with her in her room.

Ridhima has a charm about her. She is innocent, and she is mischievous, she is bright smiles and she is warm comfort. She has the ability to bewitch everyone around her.
Isha knows that Ridhima's father killed their mother, but still Isha has put her trust in Ridhima and is friends with her now.

His grandmother, who is always grumpy about everything, did not utter a single complaint in front of her.

He himself has been smitten by her in mere hours.

But her charm cannot take away the loneliness and the pain Karan had gone through. She had a perfectly normal life. She had her mother and father and they were a happy family. He was the one who was sent to boarding school, he was made to learn the 'ins and outs' of business at an early age. He was the boy who had to put his sister to sleep. He was the one who made sure she was fed properly. He was the one braiding her hair and he was the one hugging her when she cried. He was the one who told his sister about periods and boys, everything a mother should have done.

And he, was the boy who was scared to sleep in a dark room, he was the one who had to cry himself to sleep and pretend he was alright.

He had to grow up himself and take care of his sister.

His nonexistent father had brought a non existent mother for him and his sister, who did nothing but made their life miserable.

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