Willing Apologies

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Mahira Khan as Ridhima

Karan Singh Grover as Karan Singhania

Ileana D'cruz as Ishika Singhania

Varun Dhawan as Varun (Karan's best friend)

Dylan O'Brien as Ayaan (Karan's other best friend)


 A shrill scream wakes Karan from his slumber. His head is buried in the pillow as he lies on his stomach.

When the screaming does not subside, he turns on his back, groaning.

Ridhima leaning over him with a pillow and , she hits him with it, the pitch of her scream going higher with every hit.

When he has had enough, he flips her on her back and hovers over her , pinning her hands on the bed, beside her head.

"Will you shut up?" He says to her , not bothering to yell, her voice has given him enough of a headache.

Hangovers suck.

she had stopped screaming the moment she was pinned down. Staring at him with big doe eyes.

"Oh god.....sleeping with a stranger would have been better" She says -probably to herself- making Karan frown.


She wants to sleep with a stranger...?

"Look, whatever happened, it means nothing to me, just like it means nothing you, obviously. I don't even remember anything, we can pretend it never happen-"

"What the fuck are you talking about!?" Karan interrupts her rant.

"I am talking about ....... You know....." Ridhima goes red in the face confusing him even more, he frowns and almost snaps at her to be clear when he becomes conscious of his naked stomach touching hers. The heat of her body very close to him, almost torturous.

He freezes for a moment , a smirk slips on his lips as he realises what she is getting at ,a mischievous part of him wants to hear what she is assuming they did last night, maybe even add fuel to her misunderstanding.

"No, please elaborate." He says coyly.

Her frustration is his salvation.

"We are both shirtless .......duh!"

He has not looked at her properly yet.

"And your point is?"

"Stop enjoying it so much, I know that you know what I mean!" She says exasperated.

Karan looks down between both of them, and is fairly disappointed that she has her undergarments on. But still a certain part of him is pretty excited, the undergarments leaves enough to the imagination.

"Stop with the perverting" Ridhima squirms under him, which causes a certain anatomical part of his to get more excited.

" Sex! I am talking about sleeping together. The horizontal tango! Coitus! Do you get it now! I don't remember even if we did it. So just forget about it. Okay?"

Karan musters up a heartbroken expression and gives her the puppy-dog-eyed look.

"How can you forget that? It was the best experience of my life and here you are, trying to deny it. "

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