Willing Breakup

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"Amar!" I heave a relieved sigh. Then I run towards him and hug him.

"Is everything alright? Ridhima? Hey, why are you crying?"

Before I can say anything.
Singhania opens his mouth.

"Yes everything is absolutely fine. Why are you here by the way?"

"No, don't listen to him, nothing is alright. He wants to break off our engagement. He wants me to marry his son" I hurriedly explain him. And I am not disappointed when I see an expression of absolute determination and rage grace his features.

He frowns and looks from me to my father and then to Singhania.

" What is this, uncle what is she saying?" Amar asks my father.
But my father remains silent.

"She is telling the truth. I want her to marry my son. So...... Amar, is it? This can be done in either of the two ways, you can be a smart boy and willingly breakup with her or you can be a fool and try to fight against me, what do you suggest which way it is?"

I look at Amar and see determination on his face.

And I am filled with love for him once again. This man I love, loves me too, he will never leave my side.

"What is this? Do you think I am a coward and I would be scared of your petty guns and bodyguards then you are mistaken. I love her." Amar throws the words at Singhania.
I look at him and try to stop the tears that are threatening to fall.

" so how about we settle this with two crore rupees ( about twenty million dollars ), you take it and leave her' I look at Gautam Singhania incredulous that he is trying to buy my fiancé off.

What does he think of himself, he is not God.

I chance to look at my father and see him glaring subtly at Singhania.

A bitter laugh is heard from my side and I look up to see Amar's face, scrunched up in a sneer.

"How low can you go? I am not your fucking lap dog to take the change you have thrown my way. Two Crores is way too less for me to give up on the girl I love. Even if you offer me five Crores I will not break up with her." Amar's voice is Cold and distant as he speaks, yet his words fill me with warmth.

And I hug him a little tighter driving warmth and encouraging him at the same time.

Singhania smirks and then opens his big, ugly mouth "I see, you won't accept two Crores or even five Crores. Hmm...... Okay how about seven Crores, tell me how much you want , the sky is the limit, I am willing to adjust. "

I scoff at Singhania's words.
He can never buy love.

"Twenty Crores and consider the deal done"
The words shake me to the core when they slip past Amar's lips.

My hands for the second time fall limply to my sides as I look at the second man who has deceived me today.
The two men in my life who I trusted, have just fucking spat on my face.

I look at Amar unable to believe that he can do that.


I scream at my loser of a fiancé. I shout and push him and slap him and scratch him.
I am going to give him another one of my receipts in the form of slap when he holds my wrist in a choke hold.

"Enough! Okay I said I would love you and me breaking up with you for money sounds kind of unethical but sweetheart be practical. Your so called love will not feed me when I am hungry and it sure as hell won't save my life."

I look at the man in front of me and look very closely. I don't know what made me love him.

But the pain piercing my heart right now is very much proof that I once loved him. But no more.

" Twenty Crores, Mr.Singhania. Right now." Amar is addressing Singhania but his gaze is settled on me.

" Save your money Singhania. I am not going to marry him anyways now. We are over. "
I try to jerk my hand free from his grasp but Amar tightens his grip as he mutters.
" not so soon, sweetheart. Mr.Singhania I want my money or I will kidnap her. It will be too easy, I know where to find her alone."

"It is a deal. Give me your account number and I will transfer the money."

" it is 569**********"

I hear a ping, and in a few seconds Amar takes his phone out, looks at it , smirks. Then looks at me and leaves my hand.
"So I guess. It is time for goodbye, dear fianc- oops, ex-fiancé."

I don't say anything to him as he leaves me for good.

" So Mahesh, start the wedding preparations . I will talk to pandit ji, for the best Mahurat (time or moment) for the wedding." 

And then Singhania and his men start to leave our house.

As Singhania is passing by me I murmur, too tired to speak any louder. " I will not be forcefully married to your son, I will kill myse-"

Before I can complete the sentence a tight slap that trows me right off my feet is delivered on my cheek.

The impact of it makes me fall on the floor and I look up to see a furious Singhania glaring at me.

"You foolish girl! Try killing yourself and I will be the one selling your sister to the most horrible man out there. Mahesh make sure my daughter-in- law is immaculately dressed and ready for the wedding, not a single scratch on her. I want her smiling throughout the wedding. One mistake and I will kill Prachi"

And with those words , the storm, no the hailstorm named Gautam Singhania leaves my house only to come back.
Thank you for reading.

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