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Katherine appeared and said, "I'll get the lights, you get those windows unlocked."

"How'd you do it? Did you have to steal from Uncle Joe?" Florie teased.

Katherine smiled. "The janitor's been working here since he was eight and hasn't had a raise in twenty years. He's with us 100 percent."

Davey appeared and Jack asked, "Hey, you bring the fellas with ya? What's happening?"

Davey nodded. "We could hold a hoedown in here and no one would be the wiser."

"All right. Good job."

"It's good to have you back."

"Shut up."

Katherine was explaining the printing press to Bill and Darcy.

"Remind me to stay on her good side," Jack joked as he smiled at Florie.

Florie nodded. "That's a wise choice. Her bad side is scary. As is mine."

Jack chuckled softly. "I believe it."

"Hey, is this what they print the papes on?" Race asked.

"I can see why they tossed this old girl down in the cellar, but I think she'll do the job," Darcy commented.

"Jack, this is Darcy. He knows just about everything there is to know about printing," Katherine said.

Jack went for a spit-shake, which caused him to earn a repulsed look from Darcy. Florie giggled softly and he glanced at her as he wiped his hand and shook Darcy's.

"You work for the papes?" Jack asked.

Darcy nodded. "My father owns the Trib."


Katherine continued. "And this is Bill. He'll be typesetting the article for us."

"Bill? So I suppose you're the son of William Randolph Hearst, huh?"

"And proud to be a part of your revolution!" Bill stated proudly.

"Ain't that somethin'..."

"In the words of the little one, can we table the palaver and get back to business?" Katherine asked as she quoted Les' words from earlier.


"A little grease and she'll be good as gold," Darcy informed.

"All right," Davey said. "Here's how we'll work. As we print the papes, Race, you'll let the fellas in and they'll spread them to every workin' kid in New York. After that-"

"Well after that, it's up to them," Jack finished.

Jack (sung):

There's change comin' once and for all.

You makes the front page, and man, you is major news.

Jack and Davey:

Tomorrow they'll see what we are,

Jack, Davey, Florie and Katherine:

And sure as a star, we ain't come this far to lose!

Race (spoken):

Here they come! Let's go, boys.

Newsies (sung):

This is the story we needed to write that's been kept out of sight, but no more!

In a few hours by dawn's early light we'll be ready to fight us a war.

This time we're in it to stay.

Talk about seizing the day!


Write it in ink or in blood, it's the same either way: they're gonna damn well pay!


See ol'man Pulitzer snug in his bed, he don't care if we're dead or alive.

Three satin pillows are under his head while we's beggin' for bread to survive.

Joe, you can stop countin' sheep.

We're gonna sing ya to sleep.

You got your thugs with their sticks and their slugs, yeah, but we got a promise to keep.


Once and for all, if they don't mind their manners we'll bleed 'em!


Bleed 'em!


Once and for all we won't carry no banners that don't spell



Fin'lly we's raisin' the stakes, this time whatever it takes,

This time the union awaits once and for all.


Florie read the paper. "In the words of union leader Jack Kelly, "We will work with you, we will even work for you, but we will be paid, and treated as valuable members of your organization." Riveting stuff, huh?"

"Hey, Get going. You and your cousin got a very important man to see."

"Keep your fingers crossed."

"For us too." He squeezed her hand and the two shared a smile.

Newsies (sung):

This is for kids shinin' shoes on the street with no shoes on their feet everyday.

This is for guys sweatin' blood in the shops while the bosses and cops look away.

I'm seein' kids standin' tall, glarin' and rarin' to brawl,

Armies of guys who are sick of the lies gettin' ready to rise to the call!

Once and for all there'll be blood on the wall if they doubt us.

They think they're running this town but this town will shut down without us!

Ten thousand kids in the square!

Ten thousand fists in the air!

Joe you is gonna play fair, once and for all!

Once and for all!

Once and for all!

Once and for all!

There's change comin' once and for all.

You're getting too old, too weak to keep holding on.

A new world is gunning for you, and Joe we is too, til once and for all, you're gone!


Once and for all!


Once and for all!

Newsies and Florie:

Once and for all! Once and for all!

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