Do I ask for too much?

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Stevie was back to work with Fleetwood Mac as their tour had only just started. The band never liked much when she promoted something of her solo career while touring with them, but she had promised to set the two aside as best as she could, making the band her priority.

They had a show in New York and it was a big one, at Madison Square Garden. Like usually, the four members met for rehearsals around noon and when Stevie gave hugs to Mick and John, she moved to Lindsey, who hugged her too, but she saw it in his face, he wanted nothing more than to be away from her. He just put his arms around her and let her go a second later, when you usually he would envelop her, drawing closer to his body, while inhaling her scent deeply.

“What’s up with you?” She asked, making sure nobody could overhear. “Lindsey?” She asked again after not getting an answer.

“Leave me alone.”

“You’re being an ass and I want to know why. What did I do wrong again?”

“I can't talk to you right now.” He took a step away from her, but she grabbed him by the arm.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?”

“I said not now!”

“Don’t you raise your voice at me.”

“I would like to do nothing that involves you; look at you, talk to you, go and perform with you.”

The things he was saying became harsher and she was lost, because of his sudden outburst. “Okay, we can discuss this later, but at least tell me what did I do?”

“I would love it if I didn’t have to do that either, but I’ll come to your hotel room later tonight.”

“Why can’t you tell me now?”

“Because it’s not the right place or time.”

Lindsey didn’t leave any more room for arguments and left Stevie standing by herself.


She wasn’t sure how she made it through the whole show. More than once, Stevie had a thought of dragging Lindsey off stage and asking him, what was bothering him again. On her ride back to the hotel, she kept going through the most recent events that could have angered him. She couldn’t come up with anything. Sighing heavily she simply decided to wait for him to show up, like he said he would.

Stevie didn’t have to wait long. She had just got out of the shower, when she heard impatient knocking on the door. Lindsey invited himself in as soon as the door was opened.

“Hello to you too.”

“Here, this is why I’m fucking mad.” He thrust a picture in her hand and her eyes got bigger.

“What… how…” She was staring at the picture of herself sleeping while completely naked, unmistakably in Hank’s bedroom.

“Hank fucking Bale?!”

“How do you know him?”

“We were friends once, great friends may I add!”

“What happened?”

Lindsey was still seething, but he was trying to calm down. Stevie didn’t know, it wasn’t her fault. Through gritted teeth, he began explaining. “We were at a party, I was drunk, his girlfriend was around... I didn’t know they were serious. He swore to me I would pay for it. You’d think he would screw Kristen, but I see, he knows me better than that. The fucking bastard called me, bragging about having sex with you. He was so fucking proud of it too!”

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