Just tell me

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"I wish it were that easy."

"But it can be, Lindsey. Just tell me. Even if we can't be together in any way any longer, but if you tell me you still love me, I'll tell Hank to leave me alone and I will belong to you and only you for the rest of my life."

Lindsey didn't say anything for a while, as the two of them were standing in the middle of his dressing room, staring at each other. "I'm so sorry for all those things I said to you, for hurting you, for making you think I stopped feeling anything for you."

"I need to know if you meant it, if it's how you feel about me." Surprisingly, Stevie was holding up well, keeping her emotions intact.

"If only there was a way for me to show you how much I love you, besides just saying those words over and over again..."

"You do? You still..."

"I've never stopped loving you, Steph. Ever."

Another moment passed in silence, when suddenly they both stepped forward, closing the gap separating them, as he enveloped her in his embrace, his lips firmly pressing against hers. She began crying, feeling him so close again, being safe in his arms, feeling the love channel through the touch of their lips. 

She soon found herself to be backed up against the wall, his hands everywhere at once. She moaned as he gently sucked and pulled at her bottom lip, while his fingers were lifting up her black chiffon blouse.


"What's wrong?" Lindsey asked concerned, breathing heavily. 

"Can we get back to the hotel? I haven't been with you like this for so long and I don't want us to have a quick fuck on a couch in your dressing room."

"First of all..." He looked down in between them. "It would be really hard for me to leave unnoticed." She chuckled and he smiled at the sound of it. "And second of all, I'm afraid that I'll change my mind if we don't do it now."

"You'll change your mind about loving me?"

"No. Just... I promise to explain everything, but now I need you badly, Stevie. I missed you so much." He touched his forehead to hers, then planted a small kiss on the tip of her nose. "And don't ever question my feelings for you."

Stil weighing the pros and cons of the situation, Stevie kissed him as tenderly as never before, feeling his grip instantly tightening around her. This wasn't going to be very romantic, but at least Lindsey ditched the idea of taking her against the wall. He locked the door and walked them over to the couch. She straddled his lap as soon as he sat down, their lips once again meeting in a frenzied kiss. Even though Lindsey had been married for years, they had never not had each other for so long, they had been separated from it for months.

He took off her blouse this time and proceeded to pull down her leggings, while she nearly tore his t-shirt off him, bringing her hand down in between them to undo the button of his jeans. He stopped her swfitly, worrying her. 

"I need to look at you, I missed looking at your pretty face."

She blushed, smiling shyly, as she took both his hands and locked them behind her back. "I love you."

"That is music to my ears." He brought his hand to caress the side of her face, pulling her closer. 

She expected him to kiss her on the lips, but he was leaving kisses down her throat, her shoulders, her chest, everywhere he could get his lips connect with her skin. "Please, Linds..." She started grinding her hips lazily, begging for him.

"I love you." His eyes bore into hers. "I love you. I love you..." He was repeating over and over again, hoping to make up for the time he didn't allow himself telling her that. "I love you." He said again and her lower lip started trembling. "Do it how you want it, baby. It's all about you."

She didn't question it. She took him in her hand, giving him a few slow strokes, now causing him to close his eyes in nothing but pleasure. She lowered herself onto him and sat still like that for a moment, savoring the feeling of him filling her that she had missed so much. 

"You're exquisit, baby." He whispered, his lips moving against the curve of her neck. 

As she started moving, his hands came to rest on her hips, both supporting and encouraging her. The palms of her hands were pressed against his shoulders, her nails digging into his muscles. He let her take the lead, trusting her fully for her to care about what he needed too. Her movements became jerky, her mouth slightly agape, chest flushed, as he felt her tightening around him. 

"Come for me..." He was leaving wet kisses on her body as he talked to her. 

He smiled widely, as she cried out his name loudly, obviously not concered about people who might be passing by the room. She wasn't going to be completely satisfied until he hadn't been brought over the edge too. She continued rolling her hips, her eyes fully concentrated on his face, as he too grunted out her given name, spilling himself deep inside of her.

"Sex is so much more with you." Lindsey planted small kissed on Stevie's lips, once their breathings slowed down. "I hope we never stop."

"Unless you can't get it up anymore."

"Wow, well, that was a mood killer!" Her laugh was dirty and infectious, making him join in. "I don't think that's ever going to be a problem for me as long as you're around."

"I love you."

"I love you, too." He twisted his fingers in her hair, kissing her lips softly. "I'll never distance myself from you like that again."

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