Calm down

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Stevie slowly opened her eyes the next morning, feeling a pounding in her head. They didn't drink too much, but enough for her to feel it. She rolled onto her back, yawning, when she realized presence of a man next to her. 


"Jesus, Stevie... I don't have problems with my hearing, you don't have to scream."

"What are we doing in bed together?"

"We were sleeping until you decided to ruin the moment."

"Mick, this isn't funny!"

"Calm down, will you?"

"How can I..."

He sighed heavily and pulled the covers away from them. "You're still dressed as am I."

"So, what... We just actually slept in the same bed and that's all? Nothing happened?"

"God no!"

"You made that sound as if having sex with me is the worst thing that's ever happened to you!"

"Are you always that dramatic in the mornings?"

"No, I'm just really happy we didn't do anything stupid."

"I respect you, Stevie. We had quite a lot to drink, but I would have never done anything like that. Well, not now anyway..."

"Look at you, being all gentleman like." 

"You would have hated me."

"Most likely." She sat on the edge of the bed, stretching, then got up to go to the bathroom.

Mick was up too, when she returned, putting on his jacket from the night before. "Breakfast downstairs?"

"When I look like this?"

"What's wrong with how you look?"

"We were drinking last night and I slept with my fucking clothes on, may hair is a mess, I look a mess!"

"Well, okay. See you later then."

"Yeah, you too." Stevie closed the door after Mick left and was on her way back to the bedroom, when she stopped in the living area of the suite, a piece of paper catching her eye.

'Found it'

One of her many rings was on it. The note didn't need to be signed, she knew it was Lindsey's handwriting. This meant that he probably saw Stevie with Mick and knowing Lindsey, he got totally the wrong idea. How could he not if she did too! 

Her breathing got heavier as she ran a hand through her hair. She had to see him, but what would she tell him? With everything that had been going on between the two, he would most likely show her the door and wouldn't even speak to her. But not talking to him wouldn't be for the best either. He would think she was hiding it also confirming what he saw being true. She exhaled deeply, reaching for the ring. She would go to his room and thank him for saving it and judging by his demeanor, she would take it from there. 

Remembering that she looked like hell, Stevie went to wash her face, brush her hair and put on clean clothes. She looked at the mirror, quite satisfied with her casual appearance. Lindsey loved her like that, although she wasn't sure if he loved her at all anymore...

Stevie hesitated knocking on the door. She felt as if she was losing the last bit of connection she had with Lindsey and it saddened her greatly. On the other side of the door, Lindsey was walking from the bedroom and into the living area, when he heard the familiar knock. Woken up in the middle of the night he would still know it was her. 

The door opened much sooner than she thought it would, his eyes staring her down. "Yeah?"

"Thanks for bringing this back." Stevie lifted her hand up, pointing at the ring.

"You're welcome. Anything else?" He hadn't even let her in, holding onto the door handle. 



"What you think happened, it didn't, Lindsey."

"Why should I care?"

"Because I know you and I know you do care, and I know you're angry right now."

"You're a single woman, you're free to do whatever you want to."

"I didn't sleep with Mick."

"It was your choice." He shrugged his shoulders, trying his best to look indifferent.

"Stop pretending that you're not bothered with this!"

"You just want me to be mad. You think everything you do has an effect on me."

"Tell me it doesn't?"

"Yes. I saw you and Mick in bed together, my initial thought was that of course you two fucked and I was angry for about a mere second. I realized I can't get like that. You're not mine Stevie, and I'm not yours."

"How can you say that..." She felt tears stinging her eyes.

"You can go out with anyone you like, get in bed with anyone you like... It's not my business."

"Lindsey, what happened to you?" 

"Nothing. I just started taking a look at my wedding ring from time to time. I have a wife and you're free. Just that... The men you pick. First Hank, now Mick. Who's next? My brother?"

"Why are you being so mean? Is it still about Hank?"

"No. I told you. I'm married and you've alway been the biggest mistake I kept making my whole life." His words hurt her like nothing he had ever said before and she couldn't hold back the tears any longer. "I see you liked him a lot though. Maybe you should give him a call. Who knows, he might be the first one to leave his wife for you."

"Lindsey, I lov..." He didn't let her finish, slamming the door in her face.

He leaned against it, taking deep breaths, allowing a few tears roll down his face, as he could perfectly hear her sobbing through the door, the sound tearing his heart apart. 

"Finished?" Lindsey didn't turn around immediately, taking his time to compose himself. "Join me in bed." Kristen was holding out her hand for him, wearing nothing but his shirt from last night. He couldn't stop himself from thinking it fit Stevie a lot better. But he was forced to make a choice and he was choosing his wife.


I decided to change the description of this story, because it's already going in a different direction. Thanks for reading! Hope you like it.

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