I had to talk to you

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Stevie woke up the following morning, groaning, the sun shining through the curtain cracks seemed too bright for her. Once she became aware of her surroundings, Stevie jumped from the bed in panic. She didn't remember getting home last night, not to mention this definitely wasn't her home. Her heart was beating like crazy and she started hitting the door, which she found out to be locked, with her tiny fists. She soon heard someone approaching and she stopped. 

"I will come in now, but you have to promise me not to run."

Stevie frowned, recognizing Hank's voice. In a way she felt relieved, it wasn't some stranger holding her hostage in a dingy cabin in the woods. No, she knew him and by the looks of it they had to be in a hotel room or something similar.

"Okay." She said, her voice sounding hoarse. She went back to bed and sat down, informing him he could come in.

"Hi." Hank said, looking very guilty. "Did you sleep okay?"

"Did you drug me last night?"

"I had someone do it." He admitted, standing in the middle of the room. "I'm so sorry I had to do it, but you completely shut me out."

"And I told you why! How did you know I was going to be meeting Christine at that place?"

"I didn't. The barman, I know him. He called me as soon as you set foot through the door and I sent a guy there to pay Jim, the barman, to spike your drink, it's not harmful, don't worry. Then you were brought here."

"And nobody fucking saw some man taking me away! This is just brilliant! And where is here anyway?"

"Specifically, we're in a hotel room."

"But we're not in LA." Stevie sighed, scared of where this was going.

"No and I'm not going to tell you more."

"Somehow I didn't expect you would." Suddenly, it hit her. "Lindsey! Oh God, he must be crazy with worry!"

"My guy called him."


"Lindsey thinks he spoke to an employee of the hotel, where Christine is staying, who told him that you asked to inform Lindsey that you left with Christine and you were going to stay with her overnight."

"And he bought it? Lindsey actually believes that I gave his number to some random man and asked him to call Lindsey and tell him that bullshit?"

Hank shrugged his shoulders. "Apparently. So, he's not worried about you. He probably thinks your sleeping off your hangover."

"I can't believe this..." Stevie rested her elbows on her knees, tangling her fingers in her hair. "Why are you doing this? Hank, we broke up. Actually, we weren't even together! We were having sex."

"And I fell in love with you and I'm sure you developed feelings for me too."

"How can you say you love me, when you did this to me?"

Hank knelt in front of her, but didn't dare touching her. "Because I had to see you, Stevie. I had to talk to you!"

"What do you want to tell me? Go ahead, say it! I'm locked up here anyway, without any idea where we are."

"You hate me." 

"I certainly don't like you very much right now."

"He's no good for you, he'll hurt you and I would never do that. I want to love you and care for you, and make you the most important thing in my life!"

"You can't be serious, Hank! Lindsey and I have been already living together for several months and he's going through divorce from his wife! I love him. I had my fun with you, but I'm in love with Lindsey. I'm sorry, Hank. I truly am. I wish things could be different. I wish Lacy hadn't caught us and you would still be married to her."

"No! I DO NOT WANT THAT! I want you, Stevie. Do you hear me? You matter to me, nothing else does!" He desperately grabbed onto her hands and she didn't pull away, sighing. 

"You and I, we were never meant to be." She cupped his cheek, looking into his sad eyes. "You are a great man, Hank. I... I admit, there was a point where I thought of you more than just someone I could have to meet for a night and in the morning we would go our separate ways. But this is precisely why I told you I needed to see Lindsey that day before I said anything to you. I wanted to know if he was willing to give up his family for me. It was selfish, I know, but... When he said yes, that he wants to be with me, I had no doubts, Hank. I knew for sure that I still belonged and always would to Lindsey. I could have never made you truly happy. Maybe for a couple of years, but Lindsey would always be on my mind and I would have find my way back to him, causing more pain to you."

"I'm so sorry for what I did to you last night."

"We'll forget it ever happened." Stevie thought she was getting through to him and this nightmare would be over soon. "You have to let me go, Hank. From your heart and your mind, and well, this place."

"I will, but..." But?, her heart started racing again. "One more night."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Spend a night with me."

She swallowed, staring at him with her big eyes. "Hank, I... I can't cheat on Lindsey."

"He would never find out, I swear. This would be between you and me."

"No, I can't do this to him. I would know and I couldn't live with it."

"I promise, I would never bother you again. Just one last night together."

"You can't be seriously suggesting this!"

"Well, you do want to return home, don't you?"

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