How can I believe you?

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“I’m right here, you don’t have to yell.”

“Oh, I didn’t notice you coming in.”

“Stevie, really? I’ve been in here for like… half an hour.”

“Yeah, well. Anyway. Do you still have the number of that photographer?”

“And why would that be necessary?”

“I have to talk to him.”

“You fucked him, I’m sure you must have his number laying around.”

“That’s very nice.”

“Isn’t it true?”

“Will you find it for me or no?”

“Yeah, yeah. I’m on it.”

A couple of minutes later, after looking through her note book, Karen handed Stevie her phone, with the number typed in. "Press call."

"I'm not that technologically illiterate. Besides, what's up with you today? You're in a hell of a mood."

"I know, I'm sorry. I have a horrible headache, ignore me please."

Stevie put the phone up to her ear, then looked over at her assistant again. "Can I have some privacy?"

"I know everything about you, you're going to tell me what's this call about later anyway."

"Maybe, but give me a few minutes now, okay?" Karen sighed and left Stevie's dressing room.

Hank didn't pick up, so she redialed. And again. She was close to tossing the phone away, when he finally decided to answer.

"So nice of you to pick up."


"Oh wow, you remember me?"

"Hey, I didn't expect to get a call from you!"

"I just bet you didn't."

"Any reason you sound so pissed off? The last time I heard your voice I liked it a lot better."

"Maybe if you hadn't used me to get back at Lindsey, I wouldn't be so mad at you!"

"So this is what it's all about... Well, what do you want me to say? I'm sorry?"

"If you were sorry, yes, but I doubt it. I just can't believe what an asshole you are! But you are pretty fucking great at pretending, I'll give you that."

"The truth is, yeah, I saw the perfect opportunity, but as the night went on... Well, I really liked you and I still do, I would love to see you again also. From me being set on getting back at Lindsey it got to me enjoying spending time with you. I forgot about my plans and I simply had a great night with you, Stevie. Believe it or not."

"How can I believe you? Do you realize how cheap you made me feel? I fell for everything you said, Hank."

"And I meant everything! I mean it."

"You should have told me you had those intentions."

"You would have left me there and then."

"Oh please! I let you get your hands on me at that club, you honestly think I would have left?"

"I am sorry, truly, and I want to get together again some time."

"You're married, Hank."

"I see, he didn't leave that out."

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