What if it's important?

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Stevie said yes, she agreed to Hank's offer. But if she was honest, she would have said yes to absolutely anything he had proposed. She just wanted to get out of there. Although, Stevie didn't back down until Hank let her call Lindsey and tell him herself she was fine.

Hank sat in the bedroom with her, as she dialed Lindsey's number, calling from the hotel room. He insisted on listening to the conversation.


"Stevie? What is this number?"

"Yeah, Linds, it's me. I'm still with Christine in her room."

"Oh, I see. I can't say that call last night wasn't odd. You're okay?"

"Yes, absolutely. I just wanted to tell you that I'm not sure when I'm coming back home, since Chris is staying for a few more days and we haven't seen each other in a long while."

"Steph, are you sure everything is alright?"

"Mhm, I have a terrible hangover, but I'm fine."

"If you say so. Call me if you need anything."

"Okay. Bye."

"Love you."

"You too."

Stevie hung up and turned to Hank, giving him a half smile.

"How about some breakfast?"

"N..." She was about to say no, but quickly changed her mind. "Actually, I'm starving!"

"Anything you'd like to eat in particular? I saw this bakery on our way here, but I would have to lock the room if I were to leave."

Stevie's eyes widened, was he seriously giving her so much time alone? "Sure, I understand. And please, it sounds great."

"Right. I'll go now, just don't make any plans."

"I'll go shower while you're gone if that's fine of course."

Hank gave her a nod and was on his way out. Stevie made sure he wasn't looking before she grabbed her purse and locked herself in the bathroom. She listened for Hank to shut the door, so she knew she was safe. She rummaged in her handbag, for the first time sighing happily to find her phone she kept for emergencies.

She clicked on Lindsey's name in the conctact list and his voice was full of concer, when he picked up.

"I fucking knew you weren't okay!"

"Calm down, Linds."

"How can you tell me that, when this is like the third time at most you've called me from your cell?"

"I don't have much time! Listen to me!"

"What happened? You're not with Chris, are you?!"

"No. Don't ask questions, because I'm sure I don't have more than fifteen minutes or so."

"Go on, explain."

"Hank had someone put some drug in my drink last night and when I passed out or fell asleep, some hired asshole brought me to him and he took me to God knows where! Hank came in to see me when I woke up and he started going on about how much he loves me and I should be with him and not you. He's insane, Lindsey!"

"That fucking bastard! Has he touched you?"

"Not yet..."

"What does that even mean?"

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