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"Would you relax?" Stevie returned from the bathroom and climbed on the bed, putting her hands on Lindsey's shoulders, trying to release some of the tension.

"How can I?" He leaned back into her and she began playing with his hair. "She's going to be here soon."

"Which means we're going to get it over with sooner too."

"You're an angel." He lifted his chin up and she looked down on him. 

"I missed you calling me that." She gave him a quick peck on the lips. "But you should really get up now, go shower. I'll order something for breakfast."

"Okay." Lindsey agreed and closed the bathroom door after him.

Fleetwood Mac were once again in New York. Kristen had called Lindsey a day before, informing him she was going to be at the show, as she had some work to do with her designs in the city, or whatever it was that she called her job. Stevie and Lindsey talked about it, deciding it would be best to ask Kristen to come see them both, so they could tell her everything.

They had no idea how she was going to react, most likely, she was going to get crazy. Stevie was already dealing with Hank, because he didn't take it very well once she told him they were done and he still calls her, but she stopped answering. Now, if Lindsey was going to have to fight with Kristen too, it was going to be absolutely exhausting, but it needed to be done.

Kristen indeed attended the show. She smiled and faked her way through the whole thing, standing in the wings, keeping an eye on her husband and his ex girlfriend. One slip up and all hell was going to break loose. Every time Lindsey would glance over at her side, he would heave a sigh, knowing what was coming later on that night. 

Lindsey was waiting in the lobby for Kristen. He had told her a band meeting would take place right after the concert and that he would see her back at the hotel. Surprisingly, she didn't have to be persuaded, she left on her own terms, giving Stevie and Lindsey much needed time together. They had always drawn strength from each other and this time it wasn't any different.

"Hey!" Lindsey heard and he turned around to face his wife, beaming at him. God, why did she always have to make everything so hard, why did she have to make him pretend they were this happily married couple?

"Hi." He said with less enthusiasm. "This way." He showed with his hand, but she remained in the same spot. 

"Well, don't you want to have dinner together or a drink, before we go up to your room?"

"No. Kristen, please, don't make this any harder as it is."

"What are you talking about?"

"Just come with me." Lindsey started walking towards the elevators, hearing an exaggerated sigh behind him.

Kristen sensed something odd. Lindsey wasn't supposed to be acting this way. They were meant to be trying for a baby and he was supposed to be playing a loving husband right up until she did get pregnant. The doors of the elevator opened and Lindsey stepped out, taking a turn to the left and he stopped a few doors down the hallway, opening it.

"Why have you left your room unlocked? Someone might walk in and... Oh you have got to be kidding me!" Kristen yelled, seeing Stevie pacing in the living area of the suite. "What is she doing here?!"

"You don't have to shout, Kristen."

"You can't tell me what I should and shouldn't do!"

"Shut up, will you?" Lindsey interrupted. He was tired and more arguments, other than the ones that were going to take place anyway, weren't necessary. "Take a seat."

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