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Dream could feel his heart hammering in his chest as he reached a shaky hand into his pocket. He told himself there was no way his father would be calling back, not this soon, if he even decided to call him back at all. And he was almost relieved when he saw Sapnap's name on the screen, exhaling a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding as he showed George the phone.

He fumbled with it for a minute as he regained his composure, finally putting it on speaker as he said, "hey, Sapnap."

Sapnap's voice came through the speaker, and Dream could hear both Karl and Quackity in the background as he said, "Dream! Are you with George?"

Dream's eyebrows furrowed together as he looked up at George, who only shrugged as he leaned forward and responded, "yeah, I'm here, Sapnap. Why? What's going on?"

Dream kept his eyes on George as they sat quietly, both equally confused as they listened to the muffled voices of their friends. Then finally, Karl's voice was coming through the speaker as he said, "hi guys! You're never going to believe what happened."

"Okay, what happened?" Dream asked, listening again to the sounds of their voices mixing together as they all fought to talk first.

Dream laughed quietly as he heard Sapnap yell out from the background, "it's my phone, idiots! I get to tell them!"

George rolled his eyes, but he was smiling as he said, "can you guys please just relax and tell us what's going on?"

Finally, Sapnap was back on the other end of the line, his words rushed and excited as he said, "okay, sorry. So, the police got an anonymous tip about that asshole Fundy and his little business venture, right?"

At the mere mention of his name, Dream could feel his heart rate pick up slightly, his eyes wide as he asked, "wait, what are you talking about?"

There was silence for a moment, and Dream could practically feel the nerves tingling in his body, his eyes dropping down to the phone that sat between George and himself just as Sapnap continued, "it means that they've been watching him and he just got caught dealing on campus. He got his ass thrown in jail, Dream!"

Dream's eyes flitted up quickly to meet George's, and he saw a smile overtake the brunette's face as he asked, "are you serious right now, Sapnap?"

"Hell yeah I am! We're not gonna see that asshole for a long time," Sapnap yelled excitedly into the phone.

The words instantly flooded Dream's body with relief, because although he knew that Fundy was most likely going to leave him alone after he had confronted him, this was just an added bonus. Fundy had put him through hell, and now he was finally getting what he deserved.

Dream sunk back against his seat, a smile plastered on his face as he said, "that's amazing, I can't believe it. Any idea where the anonymous tip came from?"

"He won't admit to it," Sapnap answered, "but we're pretty sure it was Quackity."

They heard Quackity protesting in the background, his voice growing louder as he got closer to the phone and said, "listen, I may or may not have provided the tip. But it's only because Niki told me about what he did to George at the last party. So if I did do it, I would have only done it to get back at him for showing up uninvited yet again. And because he's an asshole."

Dream saw George's smile grow larger as he leaned closer to the phone, his voice genuine as he said, "well, if you did do it, Quackity, just know that it means a lot and we both really appreciate it."

Dream felt so much lighter as he listened to George and his friends chat for a few more minutes, a smile still lighting up his face as the call ended. He slipped his phone back into his pocket, sighing happily as he heard George say, "well that's a major problem taken care of. At least we won't have to worry about seeing Fundy around anymore."

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