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I paced back and forth in my apartment contemplating my options. I could either go tell Vinnie I liked him today, wait a few days and think it through more or not tell him at all. I was stuck between telling him today and not telling him at all because telling him today means minimal overthinking and not telling him means I don't need to worry about being rejected. Telling him today means I need to think about the consequences of him not liking me and accept them because once the words come out I can't take them back. Not telling him at all means I'd need to think about how I would need to act around him until these feelings passed and I'd have to deal with how it would feel if he do see another girl or something while I had feelings for him. I guess that last point applies if he rejects me too but I think it would be less painful to be rejected than constantly wondering if he liked me back.

I went into my room, changing into a pair of sweat pants and one of Vinnies T-shirts from the bag he left here. There was something comforting in going to tell him I like him while wearing his clothes, it was like I already was his. I put on my shoes and grabbed my phone and walked downstairs, ordering an Uber and waiting. it pulled up minutes later and I hopped in. I was so stressed out about this. It's one thing to tell someone you like them but Vinnie is the most fallen for guy on social media at this moment. He has girls falling at his feet and girls who would kill to be with him. He could date any influencer or model or actor or singer and no one would bat an eye and say they shouldn't be together but I'm just a girl from Sydney. A girl from a small unknown suburb of Sydney who wants to be a paramedic, not some hotshot Hollywood actress or famous singer or whatever. "Are you ok? You look stressed?" my Uber driver said looking at me through the rearview mirror. "I'm about to go tell the guy I like that I like him," I said, rubbing my hands over my face. "Hey, you got this girl and if he doesn't like you back he's crazy!" she exclaimed. I laughed and a tiny bit of stress left my body.

We pulled up to the house and the gate was open. "Should I go up the driveway?" my uber driver asked. "No, I don't know the code to the gate so if it closes you could be stuck in," She nodded and I started to slide out of the car. "He's rich! damn!" she exclaimed. I looked over to her and saw her poking her head out the window, looking at the small fraction of the house you could see; which was still huge. "Good luck babes!" she yelled as I got out of the car. I thanked her and walked up the driveway, arriving at the house minutes later. I walked in, knowing the door would be open, and walked up the stairs towards Vinnies room. I could hear shouting coming from Michaels room so I thought I should poke my head in quickly to make sure no one was dying.

I opened the door and saw Tati sitting on the couch, Michael on the bed and Vinnie pinned under him. Alex was on the floor rolling over in pain with his camera in hand. "What's going on ?" I asked, confused at the scene in front of me. Michael turned to face me and Vinnie looked up to see me. "Vinnie kissed Tati!" Michael yelled. Vinnie kissed Tati. He kissed a girl. Not just a girl, a girl with a boyfriend. I took a step back and closed the door. "Madi! Wait!"  I heard Vinnie yell. I walked down the hall and back down the stairs, making it out the door without someone seeing me, thankfully. I ran down the driveway and out just before the gate closed, continuing running down the road in the opposite direction to the one I came. Vinnie didn't only kiss a girl but he kissed a girl with a boyfriend. For him to do that, he must really like her because Vinnie is not the type to just go around kissing peoples girlfriends for no reason. I guess that post wasn't about me after all. Tears pricked my eyes and I could feel sobs starting to come out. 

I'm not one to cry over a boy but Vinnie was different, the way I felt about him and around him was different. I was bout 300 metres from the house now and I was starting to get out of breath from crying and running at the same time. I stopped and sat down leaning against a tree. I could hear a car coming so I hid behind the tree and as it passed I noticed that it was Vinnie. He could chase after me all he wanted, it was whether he found me or not that mattered. But I don't even know if he's looking for me, I think I just hoped he was. I got up and decided on walking back to my apartment. It was going to be a long walk, around three hours at least I'd say. I needed the time to process everything and if Vinnie came home I'd be able to spot his car on my way. I really needed to clear my head and stop thinking about Vinnie for a minute.

Half a World Away // Vinnie HackerWhere stories live. Discover now