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tagged jhuxhold


mxdibrwnn #jhuxhold asked for it

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jhuxhold I told you he'd look better with a bucket hat

>mxdibrwnn I must agree

>vinniehacker I'm coming after your brand #jhuxhold

user these three istg

jessrodd I was boutta say something then I remembered your account was public

>mxdibrwnn I don't know what it is but I would've killed you

>jessrodd you probably would've actually

>user what is going on here

jakemaple1 i'm better for you than him

>mxdibrwnn I'm not dating you or him go away

>jakemaple1 babe, we were made for each other

>vinnehacker buddy, she said go away I suggest you leave her alone


After three painful hours of people constantly asking me to repeat what I was saying because of my accent, I had finished work. I finished up 15 minutes earlier than I was meant to which was perfect because my shift finished the same time my lecture started. 

I raced home after my shift and ran up to my apartment, pulling my laptop out of my bag and shoving it on my desk and shoving the charger in before it died. I opened up the zoom link and joined at 6:58.

I was let on to the call only to see it was only professor Brown and i. "Hey Madi, how are you going in LA?" my professor asked. the thing about professor Brown and i is that not only is he my professor, he's also my uncle if you hadn't already picked it up by our last names... although Brown is a very common last name. "Yeah, I'm doing good. I've made a few friends both in and outside of uni so it's pretty good," I explained, earning a smile from my uncle. "I knew you'd fit right in"

We talked for a few more minutes then slowly people started filing into the call, one by one. I saw Lukes tile pop up on the screen and then his camera turned on revealing his dark hair and blue eyes. his hair had fallen down out of the quiff it was in this morning and now sat in front of his eyes, reminding me of a tattooless jxdn. My phone chimed next to me and I saw it was a text from Luke. 



Party Saturday at 7?

yeah ofc


ill text you the address


I went back to paying attention to the lecture and about an hour into the lecture, my phone started buzzing next to me showing both Vinnie and Jess calling. I declined both calls and texted each of them saying that I was in class and I would call them back after class. Jess replied immediately saying that we really had to talk and it was urgent so the second I got off I had to call her whereas Vinnie just replied with a 'that's ok call me back when you can'.

I was way more intrigued by Vinnies call than Jess's because jess says everything is urgent but Vinnie was calling me after seeing me twice already today which means there was something that he hadn't already said today that he needed to talk to me about.

after an hour of me going through every possible scenario as to why Vinnie could be calling, my lecture finally ended. I left the call and I was glad that these online lectures are recorded because I didn't take any of that in. I grabbed my phone and went and sat on my bed, finding Vinnies name in my call history. I clicked on his name and immediately it started ringing. He answered on the second ring, his voice pouring through the speaker. "Hey, you called earlier?" I said, questioningly. "Yeah, I was just gonna ask if I could come over. I just need to talk to someone and I feel like the people in this house just aren't gonna take me seriously or something I don't really know I guess I just feel more comfortable talking to you," he rambled. my heart swelled at his words. I can tell you right now that I'm going to be thinking about that all night, maybe even all week. "Yeah, sure, come over," I said, smiling through the phone. "Ok, good I'm already on my way," He laughed. we said our goodbyes then ended the call.

I called back Jess but she declined it and then called me on a face time call. "What was the point of that?" I asked. She shrugged her shoulders even though I know she had a reason for it. "So, you hooked up with Vinnie," she said, smirking. I forgot we hadn't talked about that all day. "No, we didn't hook up. He just stayed over cause they were having a party at the Hype House and he actually needed sleep," I said, rolling my eyes. "But you like him," she said with a knowing look. I hadn't even figured out how I felt about Vinnie and she just waltzes in and just knows that I've been debating this stuff. "I don't know. I might but I'm not sure. how do you know if you like someone?" I asked. Of course I had liked people in the past but it always takes me forever to figure out if I actually do like them but I don't have years worth of time with Vinnie. It's also much harder to figure out how I actually feel about a guy after my last boyfriend. she smiled at me with a menacing, teasing grin. "How often do you think about him?" she asked.

"Too often," I said shoving my head into a pillow. "Have you compared any other guys to him?" she asked. It's as if she knows what I had been doing today. "Yeah," I growled. I hate liking people or even thinking about liking people, it's too much effort. "I had more questions but I think we got our answer already," she smirked.

"I like him, don't I?" I asked. she nodded and laughed teasingly. "I don't know what to do and I don't know If he likes me back 'cause everything with Jake. I keep overthinking every little thing and i don't know if he's acting or not," i huffed. Jess gave me a comforting smile, "Just do what feels right and if he hurts you i will personally beat him up," she said, causing me to laugh. there was a knock on the door so I got up and walked over to the door. "But anyway, you have it pretty bad too and you've only known him for like two weeks, damn," she laughed. I opened the door and saw Vinnie standing there, I ushered him in as Jess blabbed on about something completely unrelated, thank god, and then it hit her that I let someone in. "Who's over?" she asked curiously. "Vinnie," I replied. She started letting out 'oo's and 'aw's which meant it was time to hang up. the second I pressed the hang-up button the whole place was so much quieter.

Half a World Away // Vinnie HackerWhere stories live. Discover now