We're Baack

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"Maa!" My daughter Bell called me downstairs.Yup I have a babygirl now, she just turned 3 two weeks ago. We didn't adopt if that's what you were thinking. Mya's brother is gay... he donated sperm and I --yes I had Bell. So she is the perfect combination of Mya and I. And yes I know a lot has changed these past couple of years. I grew my hair back out, formed a tattoo addiction, and Mya moved in with me. We aren't married though, it's mainly my fault why we arent.
I went downstairs seeing what she needed. "Yes, babygirl?" Bell was sitting on the couch coloring. "I need a blue marker." I internally rolled my eyes before I handed her the blue marker from the ottoman. "Anything else princess?" I sighed shortly after asking knowing I set myself up. "I'm hungry when is Mommy coming home?" As if on cue Mya came through the door from Wal-Mart. "BAAEEE!!"--"MOMMY!!" Bell and I both screamed in unison running towards her, hugging around her waist and Bell--her leg. "I wasn't even gone that long..But on my way out I got everybody a sub so, Papi, Mami go wash your hands for me....Gracias" Mya ordered and like soldiers we washed our hands and came back to the kitchen. But Mya wasn't there, "Ey, what did I tell you about coloring in the living room!?" Mya yelled at Bell picking up markers of the floor couch and ottoman. "Lo Siento Mommy." Bell caught eye contact with Mya, batting her eyelashes. "Ta Loca! Lo Siento Mommy! You're going to do it again, and Raq look at me." Mya was set off so quick because Bell isn't supposed to be eating,coloring,drawing,painting,drinking or even sleep on the couch. Mya felt like it was a big deal because it's a designer loft sectional--well basically it costs eighty-two hundred dollars. "Why you let her do th--you know what forget it but I have one more time to talk about this shit."
We went on to eat our Subway sandwiches. Mya is on a diet and when that happens everybody in the house is on a diet. We all had half subs with water... I try not to trip out so much about this diet thing when I know she'll be off her health kick by next week if not sooner.
"Mami, c'mon let's go get you washed and dressed for bed, it's getting late." I took Bell by her small little hand, and walked her upstairs to her bathroom. I stripped her out her clothes tossing them in the pink hamper she had in her room. Picking her up I sat her on the toilet while I started to run the bath water. Pulling the stopper, I sat on the edge of the tub waiting for the tub to fill with the appropriate amount of water. "Ma, why mommy yell all the time." Bell asked playing with the nail polish on her toes. Before I could catch myself I started giggling at what I wanted to say: Mommy ain't had no good loving in a little bit. Which is true due to me out working all day and her running after Bell we just be to tired. Though I dare not say that to Bell, she run and tell shit to which she's allowed since she's only three. "Mommy just not feeling to well..." I said reaching to the faucet cutting off. "Oh noo mommy's sick??" She asked once I picked her up placing her in the tub. "No, but Ma is gonna make Mommy feel better tonight--so no more yelling." I picked up her scrunchie pouring African all natural washing soap on it foaming it up. "Like a rememe." Chuckling I started to wash her up. "Yeah like a REMEDY." I spoke correcting her. "How are you going to do that Ma?" Damn this little girl asked a lot of questions. I reached over grabbing shampoo running it down her long ass curly hair. "Ey enough." I finally said rinsing her hair out picking her up by her towel, taking her to her bed. I dried her off combed her hair out, changed her into pajamas. Tucking her in her Queen size bed I kissed her on the head and walked into the hallway.
I noticed that the lights were off downstairs so I figured bae was in our room. When I opened the master bedroom door Mya was naked standing on front of the dresser rambling through the drawer. I walked behind her, placing my chin on her shoulder and my arms around her bare waist. "Remember when I first met you?" I asked looking at her through the mirror. "Ofcourse... I was embarrassed asf when your ass popped up out that office...." she smiled trailing of then continued "Speaking of office scandals your assistant hoe kept calling while you were with Bell." finding what she needed from the drawer she closed it and headed to the bed with my arms still attached to her. "Can you move I'm try to put my clothes on?" I never removed my hands, "No, just wear what you have on now to bed." I instructed kissing her neck, the side of her face was red I knew she was blushing hard. "Por favor...." begging her she finally gave in and laid down, instantly my phone started ringing. I knew it was Danielle my assistant, ignoring it I stripped out my clothes and laid behind Mya holding her warm body against mine. Mya cut off her lamp which was the only thing lighting the room and started to go to sleep.
Slowly I moved my hand to her core, while her eyes jumped open. "Baby, I'm tired..." was all she said but she never stopped me. Continuing on I placed my lips on her neck again, brushing my tongue against it. In slow circular motions my fingers danced around her clit, as Mya's breathing hitched. "Baby...." she began to protest once more. I moved my hand, pulling my body under the cover. Shit my baby getting this tonight
I pushed her legs separate replacing my fingers with my pursed lips around her clit.

I bit my lower lip trying to avoid a moan slipping from my mouth. But I couldn't help it, her tongue sent me places--heavenly places. I felt her speeding up which pushed me into a toe curling ecstasy.
My hands traveled toward my erect nipples, pushing it with my index finger I felt my stomach hitch. I sat up grabbing the sheets, knowing I was about to unleash in Raq's warm pleasurable mouth at any second now.
Suddenly she slowly slipped her finger inside my dripping core as she continued to massage my clit with her tongue.
Nearly counting down I came at a drop of a dime. Slowly rising up she kept her hand on my beating pussy as she kissed me.
"Strap me baby." I practically begged her. The slyest smirk appeared on her face as she left. I played with my leaking pussy until she came back.
Good god I was so ready for this woman to fuck me. Raq stoop at edge of the bed, and like protocol I crawled to her placing her strap in my mouth.

The sexiness of right now sent chills directly to the pit of my stomach. Mya recently cut her hair so u couldn't hold her hair back. But as instinct I grabbed the base of her neck letting her down the dick.
I watched her lips wrap around the shaft pulling them off and repeating the process again. She made heart racing eye contact this whole time. Until I just couldn't take it anymore, I flipped her over with her face against the bed and her ass propped in the air. I slid the tip in as Mya pulled up at the first stroke. Grabbing he hips I pulled her body into me, slowly....slowly.....moderate....faster and faster. Until our skin began slapping Mya bit the pillow next to her muffling her moans. "Ride me baby." I pulled out and laid back. Mya kissed my heated neck, trailing down my chest to my stomach. She sat up and pushed me inside her. Letting out a prolonged moan, beginning to bounce up and down. Her titties jumped as well, I lifted my head placing one of her swollen buds in my mouth. Until of course my phone rang. Mya kept riding me as the phone kept ringing.
"Hello?!" I answered the phone frustration clearly in my voice. Mya slowly rode me still slipping her finger to my clit. "What you doing?" Danielle asked through the phone. "I-I'm busy." I said half moaning. Though Mya made sure she was loud. "Ahhhh...Mmm..Fuck me baby.." Her voice was so loud she could've woke the baby. "Uhm you seem like you-" before she could reply I hung up. And finished my much needed job with Mya.

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