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I backed away slowly from her grip. "It came from you." My heart dropped to my stomach, at the betrayal.

Jelani scrunched her face up, "What are yo--"

"YOU OF ALL PEOPLE! MY BLOOD!? You looked me in my face and you LIED to me!"

Snatching my attention thuds were heard down the steps. It was Cita.

"Whatever is going on shut the hell up the kids--"

"Jelani is fucking Mya!"

The room quickly grew silent, as Cita continued to walk down the stairs. As if she didn't even hear me.

She stood in front of Jelani, straight faced. My heart still beating against my breast plate.

"Baby I—" and right there was the quickest right hook I've seen in my life.

Wiping tears free from my face, Mya found her way downstairs. "Raquel please just listen to me—"

Becoming unbearably angry, "There's nothing to fucking talk about. I'm done." I grabbed my keys and ran to my room packing everything that I saw. Shit that didn't even match. Before exiting my room I grabbed something out my sock drawer.

I zipped my suitcase and went into Bell's room. "C'mon baby, wake up. We gotta go." Her eyes slightly open she asked me why. Totally ignoring her, I grabbed her a suitcase full of clothes and a toy. But as soon as I picked her up Mya was right there behind me. "You not taking my baby Raq!" Mya yelled scratching at my arms, and waking Kayla up.

"What's wrong Auntie?" She asked worried rubbing her eyes.

Replying,"Nothing sweetheart, stay in here ok. " Mya calmed down

But Kayla shook her head,"No I want to go with Bell!", tears forming in her eyes.

"You can't." I quickly closed the door behind me and heard her crying. Along with Bell who was now crying too.

I bolted down the stairs with Mya on my heels.

Jelani was sitting on the couch across from Cita talking and crying.

Fuck that.

"RAQUEL YOU ARE NOT LEAVING WITH HER!" Mya scratched and grabbed and pulled on me as much as humanly possible.

Tugging on me all the way to the car while I was putting Bell in her car seat.

Finally with my hands free, I pushed her off of me, not with enough force to hurt her just enough to get her off of me.

"STOP! Stop, you did this shit to yourself!This is something you did—you threw away our marriage!" Pulling the small black box I got out the drawer I showed her the ring

"STOP! Stop, you did this shit to yourself!This is something you did—you threw away our marriage!" Pulling the small black box I got out the drawer I showed her the ring

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I threw at the door and sped off in my car.


I don't know the right things to say, I've never been in this situation. I've never cheated before and quite honestly none of this shit it worth losing my baby.

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