Cameron Noceda 1#

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"I'm telling you, the human worlds movies are sooo much better than witchflix" Lucie says to me as we walk to school. "I still don't get why you like those movies their so predictable" I groan she rolls her eyes "you just don't understand the idea of romance, also them being predictable just makes it better because you always know the hero wins in the end" Lucie states. I cross my arms "villains are sooo much cooler and second witchflix ends on cliff hangers

so much cooler" I say she laughs "they end on cliff hangers for Every episode there is no end" she says I was about to retaliate when someone yells. Me and Lucie look behind us and see Gigi and Cleo, "hey" I say they stop right infront of us. "Hello, so Cameron are you ready for the test today?" Cleo questioned I shrug "Flash helped me study for it last night" I state. My sister scoffs "yeah sure and after that you smooched him likes there's no tomorrow" she says

making kissy faces. I roll my eyes "your just jealous because you have no one" I say and stick my tongue at her. "As much as I love when y'all fight we need to get to school" Gigi says we all look at them "your never eager to get to school, Gigi?" Lucie says smirking. Gigi keeps a stern look on their face "that's because usually I don't have grugby practice in the morning today I do" she states. We all shrug and continue to walk towards the school. once we enter

the building i wave bye to my sister and follow the twins to our lockers, "so are you and Flash going to the party this weekend?" Gigi asks I shrug "maybe, i havent talked to him about it yet" i say. "havent talked about what, babe?" Flash says walking up to us, i smile and kiss him "about the party this weekend" i say Flash smiles "i want to go, but i know your not that big on partys" Flash says. i shrug "if all of you are there then i might conciter it" I say. "well we can

talk about this later, class is about to start" Cleo says we all nod and walk to our respeted classes. sevarel hours later its lunch, me and Flash walk to sit with my sister and her friends. "hey stupid" Lucie says i roll my eyes "you do know I'm like ten times smarter than you" i say she shrugs "whos says i was talking about accademicly" she says. its true i got the brains when it comes to school but shes the social one, she has what you call street smarts she can get

herself out of anything. "hey, Luke" I say he smiles he doesnt talk much, "Lucie!!!" I hear a fillmailr voice yell we turn around and see Bailey "your back!!!" Lucie yells running over to hug her best friend. they start to fan girl like they havent seen each other in forever "will you too shut up" a boy says from another table. I watch as Lucie walks over to the table and whispers something to the whole table the kids at the table burst into laughter leaveing the boy

flustered "have fun" she says and walks back to Bailey. "is Lucie afriad of anything?" Flash asks i shake my head "not one thing, i'm worried thats what might get her killed one day" I say Flash rubs my back "she'll be fine, hey i was wondering if i could come over tonight?" he asks i smile "of course my moms love you" i state. the bell finally rins for the end of lunch i have a free period but everyone else heads to class, i decide to go to the grugby feild i see Gigi,

Bailey  and the reast of the team praticeing. "1 2 3 Go Banshees" the team yells setting up their pratice play. my scroll starts to ring i pick it up and swip up the call button, "hello?" i ask "Bro, could you meet me out front i might have gotten exspelled" she says i groan and walk to the front of the school where i see Aunt Boscha standing there giving a lecture to Lucie. "my brother is here" Lucie says to get out of the lecture, "what did you do?" i whisper "nothing, ok

thats a lie i did something but it was for the greater good" she says I cross my arms, she sighs "fine it was for my greater good" she groans "Cameron, could you call your parents i cant get in touch with them" Aunt Boscha asks i nod and pick up my scroll but it goes straight to voice mail. "their not picking up,
probally bussy look i have a few minutes before my break is over could she just wait in the office till either one of my mothers call or until i'm done with

class for the day?" i ask i see Lucie cross her arms "I'm not a child" she says i glare at her "if you were'nt a child then neither of us would be here, so quit it" i say "i can talk to the princable but they werent to keen on her staying any longer" Aunt Boscha says. i nod "understadable quick question what did my sister do?" I ask Aunt Boscha groans "she used a plant glyph to pull a students locker to the celling" i hold in a laugh "now children exscue me" Aunt Boscha says as

soon as she left i died laughing "ok who did you wrong this time?" I ask she glares at me "its not funny, and it was because someone used Lukes deadname i was defending him" she says, i sigh "you know there are better-" but before i could finish the bell screemed "we will talk later at home, Aunt Boscha wont know your gone go ahead and head home" i say Lucie smiles "thanks bro" she says and picks up her bag heading back towards the house, i shrug and walk inside heading to my last class of the day.........

words 1038 5/2/2022

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