Cameron 5#

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we all watch Lucie storm off clearly she was really worried for Luke, i sigh and look at everyone. Cleo is pacing talking to herself, Gigi is talking with Bailey, Luke is in the same place Lucie left him, staring at the thick tree braches above us, i look over and see Flash giving me a worried look. "you ok babe?" i ask he shakes head "no I'm not none of this is ok, my dads are missing we're on the run from the royal guard and I'm worried sick about the

future at this point" he say pulling his hair. i walk over and wrap my arms around the taller boy "it will be fine, i have an idea but we need to wait for my sister to calm down before i share it" i say he nods and hugs me back. he walks over to a tree and sits down, i sigh and walk in the deriection of where my sister went, i see her siting at the edge if a river, boiling isles water none the less but still as long as you dont touch it your fine. I go and sit next to her "so

what was that about?" I ask she looks at me and groans "he almost got himself captured, mom and mama are trapped somewhere, and to top it all off everyone is relieing on you and me to make the desions" she says i place my hand on her shoulder, "sis, we dont have to save everyone all the time you can take a break but even if we have to like you said its you and me not one of us" i say she sighs "i guess your right, so whats our plan?" she questions "i

think we need to find uncle hunter and uncle Edric, if they havent been taken yet, they'll know what to do" i say she nods "they live on the otherside of the woods that could be a severel day journey and i dont think our friends are prepaared for that" she states "we're ready" Bailey says me and Lucie jump, behind us stands all of our friends. "we got this" Gigi says "hell yeah" Flash says i smile "if your up for it, our uncles cabin is that way if we start now we

can make it there in around two days, it would be faster to fly but i'm pretty sure there are guards patroling the skys its best if we do it on foot" i say everyone murmurs in agreement. we start to walk through the woods hiding ever so often when we hear a staff over head. "you ok Cam?" Flash asks i shrug "i'm worried, we're just kids" i say Flash smiles "werent your parents just kids when they stopped Belos?" he questions i nod, i hate being compared to

my parents but i know flash is just trying to help but i feel like i have to live up to something "everyone its getting dark maybe we should stop for the day" Cleo says i nod. "yeah thats probally best, can you set up a fire, Luke and Lucie?" i say they nod and walk off to grab sticks. "Cleo could you provide cover with your plant magic?" i ask she nods and gets to work. About an hour later we had shelter and a fire for warmth, i was siting next to flash Bailey, gigi

and Cleo sit up against a tree talking about something an luke and lucie are  asleep cuddling each other. "when will your sister admit she likes him?" Flash asks i shrug "only time will tell" i say scooting closer to him. the next morning i wake up before everyone, the fire has died out and everyone is sound asleep, i clime out of Flashes grasp and go to look for something to eat, i sneak into town. its completle empty, no one is working the stands and the

gurads  have all disapeared. this just keeps getting werider and werider, I hear a stick snap behind me i turn around quickly forming a fire spell with my hand, "Cam its me" Luke says i relax and realse my fire. "dont scare me i could have blast you to bits, Lucie wouldnt take that well" i say he smiles "yeah probally not, so what are you doing?" he asks i sigh "trying to find food but everyone is gone" i say Luke looked around "weird, well maybe we should try

the store see if theres anything there" he suggests i nod and follow him towards the store, we push open the door and see it empty but all the lights were on. "lets grab some snacks and drinks" i say he nods and walks over to the chips while i head to the fridge. "Boiling-cola, fashanta, water (that wont kill you)" i said reading the lables. "i have enough snacks to last us a week" Luke says coming around the corner, i look intently at the drinks "whats should we

get?" i ask he looks "get a lot of waters and a few Boiling-colas Lucie loves them" he says i smile. "so you like my sister?" i question while grabing the drinks. i see the boy's face turn red "I mean kind of but i think shes mad at me right now" he says looking at the ground i scoff "she wont be mad at you for long she loves you too much, you know your the only person she ever talks about some times she'll talk about Bailey but even then she will change the

conversation to you" i saw his face turn more red "your her best friend but anyone can tell its something more" i conclued before closing the freezer door. "we should head back" i say he nods and follows me out the door, once we make it back to camp most of my friends were awake except my boyfriend.

"hey guys, ooo food good I'm soooo hungry" Cleo says we laugh, once we finish eatting we start walking again towards my uncles house, a long trip awaits......

words:1029 5/17/2022

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