Lucie 4#

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I look at my brother "why?" i ask he looks around at all of us "because we know for a fact the royal guards have something to do with this, second their surounding the school the likelness we will get out with out being noticed again is very slim, thrid i think we need to head back to our house i have a feeling something bad is happening" Cameron says. we all nod and sneak back into the woods. once we reach our house we lock all the doors and keep

the candles unlit as well as the blinds shut. "get changed into something else because i dont know how long we will be here" i say me Bailey Cleo and Gigi head up to my room while Cameron Flash and Luke head to his room. i shut my door and see Cleo pull out a whole outfit from her bag, she sees me giving her a werid look "what? I like to be prepared" she says i shrug and walk over to my closet pulling out a few outfits, "ok bailey i have some of your clothes

from the last time you stayed here still in my closet so here" i say handing them a pair of blue jeans and a dark blue shirt. "i have a pair of sweat pants and a shirt for you sis" Cleo says handing Gigi an outfit, they roll their eyes "when did you take this from my closet?" she questions Cleo smirks "a week ago, like I said i like to be prepared" Cleo says and goes back to changing clothes. i change into a yellow shirt and some black pants. "I have a question" i ask the

three in the room "how do you know you like someone" i ask the three of them look at me with huge smiles "you finally realized you like Luke?" Cleo says fangirling i shake my head "no, no, well i mean maybe its ughhh so complaced i mean if i do have feelings for him then i might ruin our friendship but if i dont then i dont know what this feeling is" i say Bailey walks over and places a hand on my shoulder "you dont have to figure it out right away, ok? your

my best friend if you like the guy then when your ready to tell him tell him ok" they says i smile "thanks B" i say we hear a knock on the door "are you all dressed?" Cameron's voices rings out from the otherside of the door. i roll my eyes "yes" i yell back he opens the door to revel the three of them standing there. "so lets talk game plan" he says. we sit around my room, me Luke and Bailey on the bed, Flash and Cameron against the wall holding each others

hand, Gigi standing against the door and Cleo siting on the floor next to her. "ok so far we have no leads as to whats happening, but my working theory is that our parents are either being held captive by some demon or person, or are hiding from some person or demon" Cam says we all murmur in some sort of agreement. "but how are we suposet to help?" Bailey asks. thats when the whole room went silent. I'm stumped on this one too usually i would have an

idea but not this time, i feel someone grab my hand i look down and see Luke hand on mine i look up as he uses his other hand to move his white hair out of his eyes, i smile. he could probally tell i was stressed, theres a loud crash from down stairs we all look at each other. gigi peaks their head out the door, she comes back in and closes the door slowly "umm, we in trouble theres two guards downstairs tearing the house apart" they say we all look around, i take

a deep breath and head over to my window "gigi lock the door, Cameron and Flash help me open this window" they do as i say. the window opens "cam make a climing vine down to the bushes" i say he nods and does a spell. "slowly and carefully starting with Cleo headdown" i say they all nod once Cleo reaches the dirt, i send gigi then flash then Cameron then Bailey, till its just me and Luke, "go ahead and head down" he says i nod start to clime down

when i hear a huge bang on my door. i slide all the way down. "Luke!" i yell he looks down and smiles kicking the vine off "oh no you dont" I say and use and ice glyph to shoot up the the window. I grab him by his coller picking him up bridel style, i jump off the ice glyhp and hit the dirt. i look at the others "we got to go" i say Cameron nods and runs into the forest the rest of us close behind, Luke still in my arms we run to a clearing in the deepest part of the

forset. "I think we're far enough" Cameron says taking a deep breaths, i sit Luke down and grab the front of his coller "you mother fucker you could have been killed, you would have made it down that vine with plently of time to spare dont go being all heroic i need you to stay alive" i yell in his face. he looks frightened i take a deep breath and drop is coller walking off the cool down otherwise someone might die. what does he have to act all heroic i cant

"ughhhh" i groan and walk away from the group. i make it to a river and sit down next to it why does he do stupid things like that i place my head in my hands and sigh, idoit a cute kind idoit who is to good for me i think before looking down at the river, why do i love an idoit.......

words:1015 5/11/2022

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