Cameron 3#

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I cuddle close to Flash on the couch, i intertwine our fingers and sometimes look up at his green eyes. i get a ding on my scroll and read the text

(FUN MOM<3) hey Cam i dont want you to worry but me and your mother are going to be gone for a few days, keep your sister safe and what ever you do dont talk to anyone at the royal guard andjbejbd

I tilt my head at the text, "who is it?" Flash asks i show him "is your mom ok?" he ask i shrug "i-I dont know, I'll talk to Lucie in the morning" i say, Flash nods and checks his scroll "shit, um i have to go my dad isnt happy that I'm hear at the moment" he kisses my forehead "Love you text you tonight" he says and runs out the door, I sigh and turn off the tv. i lock the doors and head up to my room i groan as i fall on my bed. i decide to text the group chat

(Cam) whos up?

not a second later i hear a ding

(Cleo) I am, gigi is too but they got grouned from their phone

(Bailey) I'm up, is Lucie?

(Cam) I'll check

i stand up and walk to my sisters room, i creak the door open and see a sound asleep Lucie. i slowly shut the door back and walk back to my room

(Cam) no shes out

(Luke) hey everyone

(Cleo) hi, so cam why did you text the group chat?

(Cam) I'm worried my parents might be in trouble

(Gigi from Cleos Scroll) Why?

I take a screen shot of the text sent by my mom and send it to them

(Gigi from Cleos Scroll) oh, but their Luz and Amity Noceda they saved everyone for ex emporer Belos I'm sure they can handle it

(Luke) i agree with Gigi but maybe you should talk to Lucie

(Cam) yeah your right

(Cleo) me and Gigi got to go bye

(Bailey) me too bye

Cleo and Bailey got off line

(Luke) tell Lucie hi for me

(Cam) I will bye

I sign off and sigh looking up at my ceiling, i really hope their ok I slowly fall asleep. when i wake up the sun is just barley rising, i groan and stand up walking to my sisters room, she is still sound asleep, i sigh and decide to give her a few more minutes befor I wake her up. i walk to the bathroom and splash water on my face, i grab the rag and wipe my face. I head downstairs and pull out left over muffins from yesterdays breakfast, thats when i hear

foot steps head downstairs, "good morning" i say Lucie groans and flips me off, i laugh shes not a morning person, "wheres mom and mama?" she asks grabing one of my muffins, "yeah thats what i need to talk to you about, mom sent me a text last night" i say pulling out my scroll, i show her, her eyes pop out of her head "what? are they ok? why should we not to the people who work for great aunt lillth?" i shrug to all her questions "i dont know, I talked to

the crew last night they said i shouldnt worry but i feel something is off" i say she nods "lets just keep our eyes out for anything sus" she say i roll my eyes at her useing human terms. we finish breakfast and head upstairs to get ready, once were out the door we both see guards patroling the streets "lets take the back woods way" i whisper to Lucie she nods and follows me back inside, we head out the back door instead and head through the woods to the school,

"Bailey?" i question when i see them do the same thing as us, "hey guys, um my parents didnt come back last night" they said. i look at my sister concerned "maybe we should meet after school" i say Lucie and Bailey both nod. we walk to school when we come across the clearing to the school, "umm bro" my sister says taping my shoulder i look where shes looking and see guards checking kids student IDs. "theres a tunnel into the school through the grugby

locker room outside the school" Bailey says we follow her to the locker room. they shut and lock the door behind them and head to a red trap door in the back corner. "lets go" they says and open the door. me and Lucie follow them down into the tunnel. we make it to the detention track's room, "Cameron? Lucie?" we look over and see Gigi siting there. all three of us clime out of the trap door, Bailey closes it. "how- you know what I'm not even going to ask"

gigi says before cutting their self off. we follow them through the door, gigi peaks through the halls "cost is clear" she says we nod and follow them. "ok whats the deal with the guards?" Gigi asks we all shrug "not sure, it could be anything, we need to meet at our house after school ok?" i say they three others nod we split to our sepreat classes. i walk into my illousions class and see Flash, i smile and walk to the boy "hey baby" i say he looks up he has a

worried look on his face "whats wrong?" i ask he looks around and then whispers to me "my step dad didnt come back last night and when my dad went to look for him this morning i got a werid text" he says and shows me his scroll

(Dad) I found your father dont come looking for us we are fine we are glad we raised such a strong son, love dad

I read the text over again "he never uses father to refer to my step dad its always something else"flash says, "thats werid i got a text from my mom too" i say showing him my mom's text, the techer comes in interuping our conversation. we sit in our seats the teacher doesnt address the werid guards all around the school she protends like its normal or something. after class we all meet under the bleachers for lunch to hide from any teachers or guards. "what the

fuck is going on out there?" Lucie states as she sits down. me, Flash, Luke, Lucie, Cleo, Gigi and Bailey all sit under the bleachers trying to figure out whats going on. "so far we know mine and Lucies moms, Baileys moms and Flash's dads have all gone missing" i say Luke rasies his hand "umm my parents went missing as well they left after leveing me with some date and didnt come back to pick me up when i went home no one was there" Luke says I look

at Luke "why didnt you say anything in the group chat last night?" i question he sighs "i was texting the group chat while on my date, i didnt know that they were gone till way later" he says we all nod "Gigi, Cleo, what about aunt Boscha and Aunt Willow?" i ask they shrug "we saw them when we got up this morning, our mom, your aunt boscha is here today" Cleo says. i look at the paper I've been scribling things on "there is one thing I'm surtine of we cant go back inside the school" i say....... 

words:1264 5/9/2022

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