Cameron 11#

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it was dark, the only light was from Belos, his soul seemed broken and cracked like it could fall apart at any momment, i cant move i'm tied down by chains, i want to control my mind but i cant im not in control at all, "look your silly little friends and sister are here, time to get rid of them for go" Belos ghost says i look and see Luice, Luke, and flash, i want to yell at them to run but i cant move i watch and listen.

"Let my brother go!" Lucie shouts, "you cant do anything about this little girl" he says a uses my magic to harm her, i watch Lucie get swung across the room, i want to shout at him but not nothing comes out just a hollow emptyness, "oh who should i kill first, i know your presious partner" Belos says i watch as a vine grabs Flash by the ankel.

"P-please l-let them g-go" i say trying so hard to fight it, Belos laughs "no, these fools can ruin my plan" he says and starts to wrap all three of them in a vine cutting off their air cerclation, "n-no" i say "C-Cam P-please fight it" Flash says loseing his breath, i fouces and try ti to control my body once again your friends are in trouble, save them, save them, i move my arm, a relase my friends from the vines "no, control, give me control" Belos says.

the chains holding me down losen, come on noceda, i get control of my leg, "Boy let go!" Belos yells, "I will not let you hurt my friends!" i yell and open my eyes, i look down and see my hands the room is bright, i touch my face "I'm back" i say, i look and see Flash smiling, i open my arms, he runs and hugs me, "I'm soo sorry, i dont know what got into me" Flash says i rub his back and hug him "it wasnt your fault" i say i look past him and see my sister on the ground.

i back away from flash, and rush over to my sister "shes barley moving" Luke says, "come on sis" i say i hear a loud laugh i sharply turn my head and see Belos in full human form "just enough for me to be back, finally" he says Flash runs over to me, "what are we going to do?" he asks i sigh and look down at my sister "what we have-" i was about to contiue but in runs Cleo, Gigi, Bailey, and Leo with our parents behind them.

"leave my family alone!" Mom shouts and shoots a spell at Belos, Aunt willow and Boscha start to fire as well, Mama runs over to us, "are you ok?" she asks i nod "I'm fine, physicaly, but Lucie is knocked out cold" i say she turns to my sister "Luke get Lucie out of here, Cam after collecting your friends you follow, leave this to the adults" she says, i want to disagree and help but i knew i wouldnt last.

I grab Leo, Cleo, Flash, Gigi, and Bailey, "we need to go now" i say the nod reluctently and follow me, we make it outside the castle Luke holding my sister in his arms, i turn back at the castle, flams sprouted everywhere, a few hours go by and out walks our parents, i sigh and run over to my moms, i hug them and they hug me back, "is he gone?" i ask they look at each other "for now, but it proablly wont last forever, for now though lets get your sister to a group a healing witches" mom says.

We make it home, i kiss Flash goodbye and wave bye to the rest of our friends, Luke insested on staying much to his parents dislike, i sat up with luke in my sisters room, she hadnt woken up yet but my moms say to wait, "so are you and her together now?" i ask he blushes "I'm not sure, but if we do end up being together, are you ok with that?" he asks i smile "I'm glad my sister has you, and to be quite honest me and many other knew it was about time" i say that night i head to my room and lay on my bed.

Nightmares of today keep me awake, he was in my head, can he do it again? i open up my scroll and swip to a contact labled Boyfriend <3

(Cameron) hey baby, can i call you?

(Boyfriend<3)  yeah

i hit thr ring button and not even a second later i hear Flash voice on the other side "whats wrong?" he asks i sigh "he was in my head, what if it happends again?" i ask he sighs "only time will tell but in the mean time you and me wont be sepreated again" he says i smile "i hope not" i stay on the phone with flash all night Belos might still be out their but next time he will be gone for good i know it..........

words 871 5/26/2022

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