Lucie Noceda 2#

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After Cameron got me out of ditention for today i decided to treat myself, I head to my secret area in the woods well its secret in the fact only me and Luke know where it is. i look around making sure no one is following me i smile and dive into the portal in the tree. i land on soft green grass oh did i not mencion this secert place is in the human relam, i smile and look around i head to my small tent surrounded in fairy lights as well as pillows and of

course snacks. i set a timer for 30 minutes, everyday that I'm sent home early for causing 'problems' which is a lot i come here my brother leaves in a hour so i stay hear until he leaves which is in about 30 minutes so i will have enough time to get home before he does, the plan is full proof. I look at the picture hanging off the tent its me and Luke, he is sweet and kind when we first met I saved him from bullies I was suspended for two weeks for getting into a fight but

whatever, but it was worth it. I pick up my scroll and start to switch between apps when I see a picture of Cameron and flash posted about an hour ago I sigh their cute together but I just wish someone would look at me that way. I look at the time and decide to head back early, I jump through the portal and start to walk when I spot aunt willow flying over head, I smile and keep walking. I call boscha my aunt too but only to other people never to her face she said she hates the word so I call her Mrs not that I mind. I

make it home, our two story house right next to baileys house, I sigh as I walk inside, I see mama sitting on the couch shoot she must have gotten a call from the school  I try to sneak upstairs but I'm stopped by my mother's cat staff, fuck "Lucie, come here" she says I sigh  I wish it was mom she wouldn't punish me "sweetheart, I got a call from the school" she say looking at me. I groan as i plop down on to the couch, "but mama they deversed it, they called

Luke by his dead name and sarted saying slurs" I state she pats a spot next to her i move closer, she puts her arm around me. "sweetheart, I'm glad you are protecting your friend but we really need to find better ways to help, you've been suspended twice just this year and sent home multiple times, we dont want you to get exspelled ok?" mama says i nod. she kisses my forehead, "good, now I'm going to start cooking" she says i mentally gag, i prefer moms human food to what ever the

boiling isles has to offer. she pats me on the head and walks to the kitchen. i groan and head upstairs, i walk into my room and fall on my bed. i turn on my fairy lights and look up at the sparkly ceiling, until i hear my door creak open to revel Luke, i smile and hop off my bed. "hey" i say he smiles "hi Lucie, i brought snacks" he says holding up a few bags of chips and two candy bars. I smile "your the best" I say. he hops on my bed I lay on his lap and

eat chips we talk about random stuff when I bring up a question. "you spending the night tonight?" I ask he shakes his head "I would love to but I have date" he says. I don't what the feeling was but it over took me to the point I clenched my fist. " with who?" I ask he laughs "relax it's some forced thing my parents set it up, something about this guy will make me straight and stop being a boy I dont know it's bull, I'm think I may 'accidently' drop my drink on

him" he says. my fist relax "your parents are assholes" I say, he squeezes my hand as if to comfort me. "I know" he say. we talk and laugh a little longer before Luke gets a call, its his parents telling him to head home I wave bye as he walks out the bedroom door I lay and look at the ceiling till dinner. "Lucie!!!" I hear Cameron yell, i roll my eyes and head downstairs. "Oh good your up, mama had an emergency at work and mom wont be home to later

tonight, so we have free range of the kitchen" Cam says i smile and rush to the kitchen with my brother. i open the cabniet and dig through the snacks "hey bro, you want to grab food then watch a movie?" i ask he nods and grabs two bags of chips, i smile and grab a bag of popcorn we brought back last week, as well as a bowl. we both walk to the couch and turn on witchflix which i was not to happy about, "why cant we watch stuff on the human witchflix?" i

ask he rolls his eyes "because you will pick some cheesey romance movie, also I'm older" he says and clicks play on some action movie. i groan and grab my scroll not paying attenion to the movie when i get a text from Luke, my face lights up. aperntently my brother noticed "when are you going to ask him out?" he asks i look at him suprised "w-what?" i question Cam shakes his head "its clear you like him" he says i scoff "first off he's just a friend second even

if i did like him his parents are trying to convence him to date guys and keep calling him by his dead name i swear i want to punch their faceses in" i say Cam nods "for once i agree with your violince" he says before theres a knock at the door. "is flash coming over?" i ask Cameron nods i groan and walk over to the door, i open it and see Flash fixing his hair, "he likes your personally he doesnt care how you look" i say flash notices i'm their and looks down in

embarssement "hi Lucie, um dont tell-" he stumbles i hold up my hand "its whatever come inside" i say he smiles and walks in. I leave them to their selfs probaly going to start making out on the couch. i groan and head upstairs. I lay in my bed and scroll through my scroll till my eyes close and I'm fast asleep.....

words:1134 5/6/2022

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