Lucie 6#

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"how much further?" i ask my brother looks at me and rolls his eyes "we arent any closer from the last time you asked" he scolds before looking ahead again. i look over and see Luke starring at me, when he sees me looking he quickly turns away werid, "Cameron we need a break" Bailey says "I agree with them we need a break bro" i say he sighs "fine quick water break then we need to start walking again" he says we all sigh in relife and find a few

diffrent trees to sit against, Luke came and sat next to me giving me a water. "thanks" i say and take a big gulp from the bottle, "no problem" he says and leans against the tree. i smile and stare up at the sky, a light breeze blows into my hair. "so nice" i say he laughs "if running from the royal guard is nice to you then i would hate to see what bad means" he says i laugh and elbow him in the side "you know what i mean" we sit for a few more minutes chating

and thinking about whats to come before Cam walks over telling us to move our asses. "flash doesnt look amused with Cam at the momment" Luke whispers to me i look over and see Flash looking pissed at someone and that someone happends to be Cameron, i tilt my head "yeah thats werid?" i say. we get up evencaully and start walking again, a few hours in and we hear a nosie, "everyone get down" i say everyone falls to the ground "get behind a tree" i say

me and Luke hide behind a tree very close together, we hear guards stoping on the leaves "what did lillith ask us to do??" guard one asks "she wants us to find those missing kids, i'm telling you lillith wasnt this mean before she was way nicer that belos..." they kept taking thats when i found a rock and used a small ice glyph to shot it across the woods "what was that?" both guards say and run off in that direction. i let out a breath thats when i feel a squeeze on

my hand i look down and see Luke holding my hand i blush slightly a squeeze back. he smiles "Love birds lets go" Cleo says we both laugh, my blush slowly fading. we contiune to walk till we reach a small house "is this it?" i ask Cameron he nods we follow Cameron to the front door, "I'll knock" i say and hit my fist against the door, it swings open with uncle huter pointing his staff at us we all stand back holding our arms out in defence. "oh my sorry kids we though you might be one of those guards" he

say relaxing his grip, moving the staff away from my throat. we all relax and follow him inside, "Cousion Lucie? cousion Cam?" Leo says coming out from behind the couch "hey bud" i say he smiles and hugs me "I just learned a new spell you want to see it?" he says i smile and follow him over to the table he draws a glphy on the peice of paper and taps it turning it into a flower "very good, keep it up and you'll be just like me" i say before turnning back to the

group, "and now I'm worried, all of our parent have gone missing and guards suround the area can we crash here tonight?" Cam asks Hunter nods "of course" he says and walks deeper into the house, me and Leo follow. "Ed? babe we have guests" he calls out as we enter the kitchen, i look and see uncle Edric cooking "hey everyone, wheres mittens and Luz?" he asks we all shrug, after a few minutes everyone was caught up on what was going on. "well

you all can stay tonight tommorowr we head to the castle to confront lillth" Edric says we all nod, me and luke sleep in the spare room, Gigi, Cleo and Bailey sleep downstairs on the couch, and my brother and Flash sleep in the other spare room. i head to the bathroom and change into a shirt my uncle Edric gave me that my aunt Emria had left here last time she visted, i change and head back to the bed room, accidently walking in on Luke with his shirt

off, i look away blushing, "sorry" i say he laughs "its fine, come in" he says pulling his shirt down, i smile and clime in the queen bed, Luke climes next to me, maybe i do have a crush on him "Um Lucie?" Luke says i smile "hmm?" i ask he fiddles with the blanket, "w-would y-you m-mind if we-" he clears his

throat, "if we c-cuddled?" he says i blush and slightly smile, "Umm s-sure" i say he moves closer and lays on my chest, he hides his head in the croak of my neck, i smile "night Luke" i whisper "night Lucie" he says and drifts off to sleep. i sigh interally crap i think i love him.........

words 873 5/23/2022

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