Luice 10#

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Me and Luke loop around the corner, "where are we going?" Luke asks i smile "i know where we can find a key" i say we stop, i check around for guards, once the cost was clear i pull Luke into a room, i cast a light glyph "it should be here" I say i walk around until i hit the coner of a table "ow" i say i move my light down to the desk and find the drawer.

I smirk and open it, inside was a stash of human candy, a few snails and the extra keys "found them" i say and take out the key ring, "how do you have this?" Luke asks i smile "i have a lot of hidden places, mostly in the castle, now come on" i say and grab his hand before running out of the room we dart down the hall until we reach the cells, i walk over to my parents cage and unlock the cage.

"Mom, Mama!" i shout and hug them, Luke taps me on the shoulder "what?" i ask he stares at my parents "did they alaways have pure white eyes?" he asks i back up, no not them too Luke grabs my wrist and starts ruuning, my parents close behind us "this way" he says and drags me down the hall my moms following close behind us.

I fall on top of luke, he places a hand over my mouth and pulls me into the shadows behind the wall, i cluch on to him until i hear my parents run past us, i sigh and look at luke, "they'll be ok, lets go save out friends" he says i sadly nod and hug him real quick before was start walking, avoiding guards and now my parents, we sneak over to the jail cell and see our friends.

"guys is it really you?" i question they turn their heads and thankfully their eyes werent white, "Lucie! Luke!" Bailey yells they run over to the cell door "the guards took Cameron" they says i look at luke "let go get him" he says i nod and open the cell letting our friends free, we rush to the throne room, i open the door and gasp, Aunt Lillith was laying on the ground against a wall, Flash wasnt moving very much but he was alive then in the middle of the room is my brother.

but its not my brother because his eyes were bright blue also the fact his body was floating in the fucking air! "Cam!!!" i shout he looks at me his eyes glowing "Camerons gone, I'm belos" he says i step back "oh dont worry, your brother will be fine, probally" belos says i try to run but my parents apear at the door along with Hunter, Edric, Emria, willow, and Boscha.

I try to avoid willows vines by they grab my wrist, i look behind me and see Luke being held by my moms, "now Luice is it? i cant have you ruining my plans, dont lose them lock them in the cell" he says and disapeares Boscha grabs me and drags me to the confomatoriam throwing me in a cell.

i sit up and lean my back against the wall, i pull my knees up to my chest what do i do? what do i do? what do i do? my mind raced then i heard something like a ringing nosies, i stand up slowly and walk over to the bars, the ringing keeps getting louder a louder, i cover my ears and look around, what is that? next thing i knew a guard flew past my cell.

i look back over in the drection and see Leo? "Charge!!!" he shouts and a group of Demons from the boiling isles attack, in the mist of the battle Leo unlocks my cell "just a little kid?" he says with a smirk i laugh "i think i underestamted you just a little" i say he smiles "wheres Cousin cameron?" he asks i sigh "where i'm not sure, but hes in trouble and i need your help you in?" i ask he nods and runs over to the other cells "i found your friend " he says i smile and follow him.

he opens the cage, i see Luke laying on the ground, i rush into the cell and bend down next to him "Luke?" i question, he doesnt move, "Leo go find the others" i tell him, i could tell Leo didnt want to leave me alone but left anyway, i look back at the white haired boy, I check his puls its there but its very slow, I reach into my back pocket and find a healing glyph oh thank titan i place the glyph on his chest and tap gently.

I wait and watch as the glyph disapears, i hold my breath, then cough, Luke starts to cough, i relax and smile at Luke, "Lucie? what happend? last thing i remmber your moms grabbed me and we were sperated, then it goes black" he says i hug him "it doesnt matter your ok" i say he hugs me back i back away and stare at his face.

watching his eyes, "can i kiss you?" he asks i nod and lean in, we kiss for a few minutes till someone clears their thoat behind us, i turn around and see Cleo, Baliey, Leo, Gigi and flash standing their "about time" Baliey says i smile and blush. "Lucie wheres Cam?" Flash asks i sigh "belos has him" i say the others look at me "i though he was dead?" Cleo says i sigh "i guess not completly, we have to save my brother, our parents are under some mind control thing we need to snap them out of it, Cleo, Gigi, Leo and Baliey you four can handle that right?" i ask all of them nod.

"me, Flash and Luke need to find Cam and get out of here, time for the last quest saving the boiling isles once again"..............

words 1015 5/26/2022

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