Chapter 1: The Forest Prince

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"Caelian, come on!" the tiny nature sprite called

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"Caelian, come on!" the tiny nature sprite called. His translucent orange and pink butterfly wings kept his tiny jade body afloat as he hovered among the trees.

"I'm coming!" Caelian replied cheerfully, popping out of the forest's underbrush. Leaves and twigs were stuck in his rose-brown hair. He was of a slender build and shorter than average. Six pairs of feathered wings were folded neatly against his back, the left side being white and the right side being black. Small triangular horns adorned his head, and a devil-like tail peeked out from under the cape of his green jacket.

The sprite rolled his large eyes as he folded his nubby arms. "If you had just woken up, you wouldn't be late!"

"I'm not late, there's plenty of time left in the day!" Caelian said.

"Gaia asked you to visit town in the morning, it's already the evening! Ugh, are you really going to waste the goddess' time like that?"

"She won't mind!" Caelian said as he brushed the leaves and twigs out of his hair.

"Won't mind that her disciple would rather be off in dreamland than doing his job? I think not!" The sprite huffed.

"It'll be fine, Nathaniel," Caelian said with a reassuring smile. "Here."

A faint green light appeared next to him, spiraling and swirling as it increased in intensity. It took the form of a black lantern, it's light becoming trapped inside of the glass. Vines and flowers sprung to life, wrapping around the cold steel as they decorated it. The lantern swung slowly in the air, as if held up by an invisible string.

"This better?" Caelian asked, his voice taking on a more calm tone as he spoke. Nathaniel landed on his head, his weight barely noticeable.

"Maybe," Nathaniel mumbled as he folded his arms. "You're kind of boring when you're only using Nyxidae's influence, but at least you'll take things more seriously."

"You're right," Caelian said as he began to walk through the forest. "I should've woken up sooner."

"You could apologize, you know."


Nathaniel let out a sigh. "It's called regret, Caelian. Remember?"

"Oh, right. Sorry, then."

"Yeah, yeah," Nathaniel said as he zipped back up into the air. "Well, let's just focus on getting to town today. Maybe before we leave we can visit Mrs. Tamia and she'll have some sweets for you."

"You think so?!" Caelian asked, losing all calmness to his voice. A second lantern materialized next to him, this one burning with a fiery aura that crackled wildly. Lava pooled at the bottom of the lantern and seeped out from the cracks around the door.

Nathaniel gave him an unimpressed look.

"What?" Caelian asked. He paused for a moment as he looked over to the lantern of fire. "Oh, Riemos, not now. Just Nyxidae, okay?"

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