Chapter 21: The Royal Family

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The palace was in an uproar the following morning when Athena entered Caelian's room and found him to be missing. Servants and family members alike were rushing around, searching and calling out for him. It wasn't until Daniel opened the door to Zephyr's room did things begin to calm down. He looked in to see Caelian curled up onto Zephyr's chest. He quietly shut the door and ran off to inform Athena that he had found him.

Zephyr had noticed that the door opened, but opted to pretend to be asleep. He wasn't sure who it was that opened it, but he assumed they were looking for Caelian. He looked down to the sleeping boy, who was resting peacefully and blissfully unaware. He let out a soft sigh as he reached down and gently ran his fingers through Caelian's hair. This woke him up, and he blearily looked up at Zephyr.

"Good morning," Zephyr said with a small laugh.

"What time is it?" Caelian asked as he rested his head back onto Zephyr's chest. He thought his heartbeat sounded a bit fast. That was strange.

"Time to wake up," Zephyr said. "I think they're looking for you."

As if on cue, Athena opened the door and stepped inside of the room. Her face showed relief when she saw Caelian.

"Oh, I was looking everywhere for you, dear. I'm sorry, I didn't know you two were... together," she said.

Zephyr's face grew hot as Caelian lifted his head and gave her a curious look. "What do you mean?"

"Aren't you two... well, dating?"

"No, Zephyr's my friend."

Athena looked a bit confused. "I see..." she said, not seeming to fully understand. "Well, regardless, it's time to get up. I wanted you to meet your other family members today."

Caelian frowned. He wasn't sure he wanted to be around a bunch of new people that all claimed to be his family. Sensing his thoughts, Athena added, "We can start slow, if you're nervous."

"All right..." Caelian said as he reluctantly climbed out of bed. Zephyr remained where he was as Caelian sat down on the floor and began to put on his boots.'

"Oh, no no no," Athena interrupted, causing Caelian to look up at her. "You don't need to put those on. Let's go start you a bath and put you into some clean clothes."

"But—" Caelian was pulled up onto his feet and dragged out of the room by his arm, leaving his coat and boots behind. She left the door open behind her, leaving Zephyr alone. With a sigh, he stood up from the bed. He reached down and gently picked up Caelian's coat. It certainly was dirty, and still had the rips Xeke had put into the arms. Zephyr didn't know how to mend clothing, but at least maybe he could wash it for him.

"I found him!" Athena called as she led Caelian down the hallway. There was a group of women gathered around each other talking amongst themselves, and when they saw Athena with Caelian, they immediately rushed over.

"Oh my goodness, look at him!" One of them gushed as she placed her hands on his face and squished it, "He's precious!"

"Isn't he?!" Athena said. "Caelian, this is your aunt Nemara. And this is aunt Lillia, aunt Sariah, and your cousins Poppy and Josephine."

Caelian's mind barely glossed over the names as Athena introduced them. This wasn't what he could consider 'slow'. He felt embarrassed as the older women gushed over him, complementing his features and stroking his wings.

"Okay girls, okay, let's give him some space," Athena said as she noticed Caelian was looking overwhelmed. "We'll come see you again after we get him freshened up."

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