Chapter 26: Lost Memories

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Caelian was laid out on the couch with Zephyr sitting next to him. He watched curiously as the doctor removed Zephyr's cast. It had taken about two weeks, which seemed fast to Caelian, but the doctor was confident Zephyr would be done healing by now. Damien, who was sitting on an adjacent couch with Evelyn, also agreed that two weeks was all it would take. Zinnia was sitting in a nearby chair, Caelian's coat in her lap as she worked on stitching up any holes it had.

Zephyr stretched his leg out after the cast was removed from his leg. He didn't seem to be in any pain.

"How's it feel?" the doctor asked as he put his saw back into his medical bag.

"Fine," Zephyr said. "It hasn't hurt for a while."

"Go ahead and try to put your weight on it."

Zephyr did as he was told and carefully stood up from the couch. He flexed his foot a bit as he shifted his weight from side to side.

"Seems fine," he said. "Just a bit stiff."

"Good," the doctor said as he stood up. "Be gentle with it at first. Avoid any strenuous activities for a week or so. But you should be good to go now."

"Great, now we can finally get going," Damien said as the doctor left.

Zinnia paused her work, trying to hide her disappointment. "Oh... I supposed you do have some unfinished business."

Caelian had told her of their adventures while they stayed with her, and she was aware of what happened with Sol. She seemed shocked that he would have treated Caelian like that, and expressed her condolences.

"But how are we even supposed to get back up there?" Zephyr asked. "We don't have the phoenixes anymore."

"Maybe Caelian can carry us?" Evelyn suggested.

"I couldn't before, I doubt I could now," Caelian said with a frown. "Besides, are my wings even healed yet?"

"They should be by now," Zinnia said. "Do you feel any pain at all?"

Caelian thought for a moment as he focused on the six feathered spots on his back. "No, I don't think so..."

"Then go ahead and try extending them again."

There was a long pause as Caelian stared down at the ground. He bashfully looked up at Zinnia. "How do I do that?"

Zinnia smiled. "Imagine yourself spreading your wings out from the spots on your back. Focus on that."

Caelian stared at the ground as he focused on the spots on his back. He tried imagining wings sprouting out from his back, stretching out to their fullest length. He got momentarily lost in his imagination when a fwoosh brought him back to reality. Feathers were raining down around him, and he whipped around to see six wings sprouting from his back once again.

He let out a laugh as he sat up and gently grabbed a hold of one of his wings. "They're back!" He laughed, "They're back!"

"I told you they would be," Zinnia grinned.

Caelian buried his face in his feathers with a smile. The thought of not having his wings was terrifying, even though Zinnia had insisted they'd be fine. He was scared they'd be lost forever.

Zinnia tied off a thread before standing up. She walked over to Caelian and held out his coat. He graciously took it and threw it on, his wings popping out through the holes in the back. Everything felt right again.

"We should get ready to go, then," Damien said as they stood.

"Oh, are you leaving right now?" Zinnia asked, her face falling.

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