Chapter 16: By Rite of Fire

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The group set out again early the next morning. Damien seemed grouchy, and kept giving dirty looks to Zephyr, who looked embarrassed.

"Why Damien look so mad?" Evelyn asked.

"I don't know, maybe because someone kept waking me up throughout the night by screaming?" Damien snapped, causing Zephyr to wince.

"It's not like I could help it," Zephyr defended himself.

"Be nice!" Evelyn huffed. "Not fishie's fault have nightmares!"

"Multiple a night?!" Dammien sighed. They pushed their glasses up their nose, "Whatever, I'm not sharing a room with him again."

"I will," Caelian offered, "It won't bother me."

"Fine by me," Damien said.

"Evelyn, we're almost to the volcano, right?" Zephyr asked, trying to change the subject.

"Oh! Yes, should be very close!" Evelyn said as she clapped her hands. Her ears suddenly drooped. "But Evelyn still not have pig's foot flower..." she whined.

"It's fine, we're just double checking the name, remember?" Zephyr said.

"Okay..." Evelyn said.

"What's the Scorched Lands like, Evelyn?" Caelian asked.

"Oh! Very pretty!" Evelyn exclaimed, her ears popping back up. "Sunset all the time! Many big pretty rocks everywhere, too!"

"Big pretty rocks?" Caelian asked.

"She means gemstones," Damien said, "The Scorched Lands is known for having a lot of giant crystals. Ametrine is the most common."

"What's Ametrine?" Caelian asked.

"Big pretty purple and gold crystal!" Evelyn said. "You will see! Evelyn live in prettiest realm!"

"With a name like the scorched lands I would've imagined it to be more like a lot of burnt grass or something," Zephyr said.

"Oh, we have that too!" Evelyn said, "Prettiest parts are underground! Lots of pretty tunnels!"

"It gets pretty cramped down there in some of the tunnels," Damien said.

"Good thing I'm not claustrophobic," Zephyr said. "It sounds interesting, though. I'm kind of excited to see another realm. I've only ever seen the Depths and the human realm."

"What about the god? What are they like?" Caelian asked.

"Oh! Ifrit very nice! Very funny!" Evelyn said.

"Do you think he'll purify my elemental?"

"Of course! He be happy to help!"

"I hope so," Caelian said, looking a bit unconvinced.

"It should be fine," Zephyr said with a grin. "I've never heard of Ifrit being unreasonable. I'm sure he'd be glad to help."

Damien nodded. "It's Sol we'll need to look out for. I doubt he'll be willing to do a favor for an outsider. I wonder how Gaia convinced him to give her an elemental in the first place."

"Will it be that hard?" Caelian asked.

"Possibly," Damien said.

Caelian let out a whine. "I just want my emotions back. I don't like these negative ones, at all."

"Oh, look!" Evelyn said excitedly as she pointed ahead.

A lone mountain slowly came into view in the distance. A smoke ring rose around it, looking like an ashen halo.

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