21 | faith - party animal

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11:30 a.m.

"Thank you so much," I say to the janitor after he unlocks the steel doors to the SSE Lab.

Re-machining parts are the absolute worst, but I have no one to blame but myself for this one. After looking over the CAD model last night, I caught an error in the allowance between the drivetrain front rail and side rails, resulting in interference. Because the parts are a press fit when assembled, the measurements need to be accurate just enough not to take too much force when putting it together or taking it apart.

My bag glides off my shoulder, and a yawn escapes my mouth while grabbing disposable earplugs and my safety glasses. I flip the switch on the air compressor under the multi-axis CNC and reach behind to turn on the mill itself.

Now, let's try this again. The door to the stock room opens while I scroll through my G code, and I peek behind me, making immediate eye contact with Aidan from across the shared lab space.

He reaches for a pair of earplugs. "Please don't tell me I spray painted the parts you have to machine again."

I load the bit for the grooves and set my zeroes on all the axes. "Do any of the parts happen to be the front rail for the drivetrain?"

Aidan shakes his head and lets out a sigh of relief. "No."

The spindle and coolant turn on, and I run the G code, starting the machining process. "Then you have nothing to worry about." Leaving the mill to run on its own, I follow Aidan to our makeshift assembly room. I take in the hectic workspace filled with L and T gussets, pop rivets, spray-painted aluminum extrusions and plates, Allen keys, rubber mallets, and power drills. "Holy shit, more work was completed than I anticipated."

He rubs the back of his neck. "Hunter was in here before I came in, working on the structure for the flywheel."

Thanks for the reminder. I need to start the 3D print for the hood of the flywheel as well. I wonder what color filament they want to use...probably grey? I'll ask Marcus to pick it up when it's done in a few hours and stash it in his room until we attach it to its aluminum base.

My mouth hangs open. "Hunter?? He willingly contributed?"

Aidan nods. "Yeah. I was a bit surprised too, but I think ever since you shut him up about your choice in 3D modeling software, he's been less insufferable."

He has. I find a space on the worktable that's free of metal shavings and tools and lean against the edge, crossing my arms. "Looks like Marc was in here too," I point out, nodding to the nearly completed electronics board, only missing an air compressor and circuit breaker. They must've come in early before classes to get this much done. I smile to myself. We might finish building the robot within six weeks. That'll be an accomplishment. "Did he make a decision on pneumatics?"

"Yeah. We're thinking of only using two to actuate the 'claws,' holding the keycard while in transit."

"Sounds like a plan." The absence of steel on aluminum prompts me to retreat to the main lab room. Aidan follows me halfway and leans casually on the archway, his bicep muscle flexing ever so slightly in response. I shake my head, jarring my thoughts back to the task at hand. I switch out the bit and insert the one for drilling the rivet holes.

"Have you thought about the drivetrain wheels we're using?" he inquires.

I zero my axes again and ran my G code for a final time. "I really want to use the 2.5-inch Colson wheels with the ½ hex bore. Makes attaching the drivetrain gearboxes easier."

"No mecanum wheels?" Aidan jokes.

"Absolutely no mecanum wheels," I replied. "How dare you even mention that."

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