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We began our adventure with a "small" trip to a gas station on the other side of town. Alice told Adam to fill up the tank while her and I went inside to get food, well not actual food, more like any unnatural, unhealthy, and machine processed thing that would satisfy our hunger until we get far enough from here that we could find. Alice and I stuffed our arms with the entire candy bar selection the gas station had to offer. Adam came running in, he looked at us.
"Right! Where art thou drinks?-" Alice said. I smiled.
"-go get the drinks Um!" Adam ran off. He does everything she asks, like she's the magnificent queen and he's the lowly peasant, like she's an adventurous cowgirl and he's her pathetic mule carrying all her luggage.
Adam came back running with possibly the largest amount of Arizona bottles I have ever seen being carried by a single person. Ironically, as I was admiring how many bottles he had managed to carry, he dropped about half of them on the floor.
"Shit." said Adam, attempting to pick up the fallen Arizona bottles, while trying not to drop the ones he miraculously still had in his arms, also while many of the ones on the floor were beginning to roll away from him. Alice laughed, I tried not to.
"How many bottles have you got there, Um?" Alice asked.
"Uh, twenty-three"
"Alright it's twenty-three Arizonas, eight Twix bars, seven Snickers, nine Milky Ways, eight 3Musketeers, ten packs of share size Skittles and five normal ones, nine Hershey bars, five 100-Grands, and 3 Fiber One bars, we're all on a diet." Alice said to the lady at the cash register. Judging by her face it seemed as though the glass dividing us from her was the only reason why she wasn't already strangling all three of us.
"-oh and $50.13 for gas." said Alice with a rather sarcastic smile, which was obviously annoying the lady even more, which was obviously Alice's objective.
"Your total is $148.37" said the lady, pressing some buttons on the cash register.
Ever since I was little, I've had this theory that only a few buttons on cash registers actually work, and the other ones are completely irrelevant and used purely and only to make loud noises to make the overweight collage dropout in their early thirties, or sixteen year-old who looks like they'd much rather be smoking weed in their friends basement behind the chase register, actually look like they know what they're doing and like they actually have a proper education.
Alice took out a one hundred dollar bill, but only a one hundred dollar bill. She set it on the counter then took out her wallet and looked into it, she took out a twenty dollar bill and continued searching in the wallet, then she made a slightly disappointed face.
"Uh, sorry that's all I have." said Alice in a desperate sounding voice. Lies. We just robbed six banks and we already had tons of money to begin with.
The lady looked over at Adam, who was only just now starting to control the rolling Arizona bottles. "If you three leave as soon as possible I'll forget about the rest of the money, now leave!" said the lady.
We quickly put everything we bought in bags and ran out, excluding Alice who stayed in there talking to the lady for a few moments. I walked back inside to check on her.
"Lovely making business with you." I heard her say, she turned around and saw me, she froze. "Oh shit, I don't know your name."
"Shh." she said, putting her index finger over my lips. Her finger was so small, well she was a small person, I wasn't expecting her to have gigantic ape fingers, but I was also not expecting her to shove her finger into my face at an moment.
We walked back into the SUV, I got in the back, Alice in the front seat, and Adam in the passenger seat.
"Alright, let me introduce myself." Alice said. We both knew who she was, it was us who needed to be introduced.
"Alice Melissa King Ross, Melissa is my middle name, ignore it. Ross is my mother's last name, she's gone so ignore that too. And you are?" she looks at me.
"Jake Noel Miller, pretend the Noel isn't there though."
"And you're Um, correct, or did I hear you wrong?"
"Adam Pierce, that's all."
"I liked Um better, but okay Adam."
Alice started the car and drove to somewhere. We drove for about 40 minutes, pretty sure we were out of state already.
"Uh, I'm kinda thirsty." said Adam.
"Not yet, wait a bit." replied Alice.
It was quite rude of her not to let Adam just get an Arizona, poor guy is probably dying of dehydration as I speak. We pulled up to a dollar store, that was also somehow miraculously open.
"Go get me a can of black spray paint and some duct tape." said Alice handing Adam a ten dollar bill.
"Go on red-head! What are you waiting for, Adam?"
"Auburn." I say under my breath.
Adam quickly comes back with everything Alice asked for in a plastic bag.
"Jake, go get the Arizona bottles and line them up alongside the SUV, go pronto!" And it seems as though the adventurous cowgirl now has two mules, and I had become one, I had no other choice but to obey her. So I did as asked. I took all twenty-three Arizona bottles, that Adam had struggled to carry just an hour earlier, and stood them up all alongside the SUV. Alice took the black spray can and sprayed everyone of them, turning the beautiful colorful designs on the Arizona bottles into black bottles filled with what seemed like emptiness.
"See you might be questioning why on earth I've spray painted all of these beautiful and colorful bottles-" Hah, you think?
"-that I am sure people put great effort into designing, but spraying them black allow us to not know what flavor we are drinking, it's a mystery. We'd have to guess what flavor it is, and even then we couldn't be so sure. It becomes an even bigger, never ending mystery, and that's way more beautiful than any graphic design that a 99 cent bottle of generic flavored tea could ever have." said Alice.

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