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(((I'm really excited for these next few parts, thank you for being patient!! Please check out my lovely reader England_Britani 's book "Its the Real Me" It's super cute >.<)))  

She quickly parted and immediately spoke.

"Alright! We're not too far from our half way point, God it's been forever! We're practically walking."

"Yeah, like turtles." I muttered. 

"Most people can get across the country in the time we have so far, and we're not even half way yet! We might as well go slower there's no point in trying." 

"Can you shut up?" said Adam, moaning, he sounded half asleep.

"I'd rather not." said Alice.

I'm unable to hear her speak a single word without smiling, I guess this is what its like to be Adam, its a rather hard life style if I'm being honest. Alice decided to listen to music and turned on the radio, I question why she didn't use any of the 15+ CD's we bought back at the music store, they don't seem to be serving any purpose as of yet.

"My brain needs music to plot." said Alice.

"Can you plot in the morning?" asked Adam.

"Well it is four AM so I am technically plotting in the morning, but due to your apparent lack of intellection, I see you mean morning, as in when the sun has risen, and your answer to that question is no." she says turning up the music.

"What are you plotting?" I asked.

"Aye! Don't interrupt, I'm talking to my lovely friend Adam here."

"So what are you plotting?" asked Adam.

"Another musical message to send." I rolled my eyes, yet still managed to smile at the sound of her voice.

"Permission to interrupt?" I asked. Alice thought for a second

"Hmm. Alright, permission granted."

"You could use the CD's we bought." I suggested.

"Duh, what else would they be for?"

"Maybe to listen to."

"Too main steam.-" she said.

"- Maybe we can throw them at a wall and have the shattered disks form something."

"You do know those are brand new, perfectly fine CD's, right?"

"You do know that I don't give a shit, right?" she said, Adam laughed.

"I thought you were sleeping." I said.

"Well the music got louder and you guys are talking so call me awake!"

"Alright Awake, I was just starting to call you Adam, but if that't what you prefer, I'm happy to call you that." said Alice.

"God dammit." said Adam, I laughed.

"I'm thinking about getting a nose ring, should I?" asked Alice randomly. My first thought was "Please. Please. Please. Please do so. Please." but I am trying to mellow down my emotions a bit and appear more relaxed so I instead said:

"If you think it'll look good, sure."

"That doesn't help me at all, Awake should I get a nose ring?" asked Alice.

"Yeah, you'll look pretty hot."

"Thank you Mister Awake." said Alice.

"No prob." said Adam smiling.

"Well next big city we stop to we have to go find a tattoo place, but I'll find it on my own."

"Why can't we come with you?" I asked.

"It's a big city, if we get seen together, even in "costume", we could get caught." she said, making quotations with her fingers."

"You've got a point." I said.

"I know." she said, smirking.

We stopped at a McDonald's to get internet, we also decided to eat. We all ate loads, even Alive (Well she didn't eat loads she just ate what an average person would eat, while Adam and I ate what 7 average starving tigers would eat.) Alice went to the bathroom as soon as she finished. Adam looked around to make sure she was gone.

"Honestly how could you!?" 

"Could what?" I asked.

"I saw. I saw what you did." 

"No wait- I didn't- she just-" I couldn't think of an explanation.

"Why would you be such a dick?!"

"Shhh! Lets go outside."


"I DIDN'T MEAN TO, SHE KISSED ME!" his face lost all expression.

"You knew I liked her, man. Why did you have to do this, I know you did just tell me the truth. Please."

"I'm telling the truth! Why would I lie?!"

"Because YOU'RE A DICK."

"JESUS CHRIST, RED!" I yelled back at him.


"Yup, you heard me 'Red'. Your hair was never auburn. It was fucking red." I said, and stormed away. Sadly my dramatic storm out did go so well, seeing as I had no where to go besides the SUV, where Adam will also be. We both just awkwardly walked into the car not saying a word to each other. A few seconds later Alice walked out with a napkin, which she was using to clean off her mouth, she got into the SUV.

"Alright guys I got it! Okay so, we're gonna take the disks and we're gonn- Neither of you are listening. What's with the grumpy faces, what happened?" Adam and I stayed quiet.

"One of you is gonna have to tell me." 






"-God, I knew it was a miracle you guys hadn't found something to be mad at each other for."I felt my mouth form into a smile, I used every ounce of strength I had to not smile. I don't think it worked.

"Alright we're done now. Also, Jake, your cheeks are red.-" I touched my cheek, which I believed got redder. Well look who's all tomato now.

"-Alright Jake, take us to Topeka. I'm getting a nose ring."

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