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Alice seemed very content to now have a small silver ring through her nose, Adam seemed quite content staring at it. Ms. Blue seemed very content knowing she was finally going to Vegas. I, on the other hand, was not very content. We were on our way back to the SUV and I still haven't apologized to Adam, and I can't do it in front of Alice and Ms. Blue. I had to other choice but to grab Adam by the arm and pull him off to the side. As slick as I was trying to be, Alice and Ms. Blue noticed, to which Alice decided to say:

"Probably just another impromptu make out session, it's been a while since their last one."

"Oh okay, I get it." said Ms. Blue, continuing to walk forward.

I rolled my eyes, but I didn't want some Alice joke to come in the way of me accomplishing my goal. (No, it wasn't making out with Adam.)

"Listen we need to talk." I said.

"Oh good! I thought we were gonna make out!"

"Uh no. Anyway, I wanted to say I'm sorry. You know for calling you a red head. Oh, and for letting Alice kiss me."

"It's fine, I guess my hair is red after all. I don't care about Alice anymore. Sure she's hot or whatever, but if you like her and she likes you, I don't want to get in the way." he said, patting my shoulder.

"Really? Thanks.-" I said, awkwardly smiling.

"-Come on, before they think we're actually making out."

Adam and I, now looking quite content, catch up to Alice and Ms. Blue.

"Well look at you two being all smiley and junk!" said Ms. Blue.

"I don't know how boys manage to only stay mad at each other for a total of 6 minutes." Alice said.

"Hey don't be rude! Some only stay mad at each other for 3! They be happier than a dead pig in the middle of Florida! Hah!"

Ms. Blue and Alice got along better than an actual mother and daughter. For every witty thing Alice had to say, Ms. Blue had a terrible Southern metaphor to go along with it. Although Kansas isn't very far South, Ms. Blue didn't have a thick accent, and  her parent's were hippies, she still managed to be one of those people that say things like "you dill my pickle" whatever that means.
We all got in the SUV and Ms. Blue immediately had something to say.

"This ya'll ride, kids?"

"Sadly." said Alice.

"It's pretty disappointing." I said.

"Yeah, I can tell." said Ms. Blue.

"This was our only choice within the small amount of time we had to plan things out. By we I mean me." said Alice.

"So you're the evil mastermind, huh? I shoud'a known."

Alice let Ms. Blue drive, and by that I mean Ms. Blue gave her every reason to let her drive, Alice continued to deny, but then had no choice but to let her before she had a fit. This middle aged woman has started to act more like a child than us, and we're pretty much infants.
It had been no time at all when Ms. Blue began to attempt to start proper conversation with all of us.

"What do you wanna be when you grow up?"

This question hits me harder than most, since I have no idea what I want to do with my life and I have very little time to decide on that thanks to the brilliant way the real world is set up. Adam was very quick to give an answer.

"I kinda wanna be a weather man.-" Alice chuckled.

"-Seriously like how cool would it be, you get to be on TV everyday bu not be famous. You can make people's days or completely Ross's them up! It's all you could want! You can learn about the sun and rocks and stuff!"

"I'm not sure if that's how it work-" I said before Alice covered my mouth.

"That's wonderful Red. Alice what 'bout you? What you wanna be?" asked Ms. Blue.

"Well I like so many things but recently I've fond of the idea of being a teacher. Like, seeing someone go from completely clueless to all knowing just with your help seems so satisfying to me."

"Oh so you wanna teach the little ones , huh?"

"Actually no, I wanna teach high school kids. Yeah, they're really annoying but much better than middle schoolers. They think they're having a hard time and they're really figuring themselves out, only to realize a few years later that they were completely wrong. I don't wanna have to deal with that or puberty again." said Alice very surely.

"That sounds pretty accurate." I said.

"I know. I think teenagers would really appreciate me, you know? I could totally inspire the hell out of them, teenagers seem to need the most inspiring after all right? I could give them what teachers never gave me." replied Alice.

"That's very sweet of you Girlie." said Ms. Blue.

"Now what do you wanna be, kid?"

There it was, the question. The suspense had only just started and was already killing me.
It felt like I was the main character in a movie who just had a realization followed by and dramatic zoom out panned from their face.

"I don't know. " my response followed by extremely short silence.

"What do you mean you don't know? You gotta have some idea!" said Ms. Blue.

"No, I don't. I don't like anything enough to do it forever."

"That's just was scared little shits say, name something you like and that's it. This question isn't a commitment, dumb ass." said Alice, abruptly and with a lot of aggression.

Her random bursts of aggression made me question if she was at all worth the affection I have of her, then I look at her face for a little longer and realize it's totally worth it.

"Well I guess I liked planes since I was little. I could be a pilot." I said forcefully.

"There you fucking go!" said Alice, not very content.

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⏰ Última actualización: Dec 05, 2015 ⏰

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