Plant Pot

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(((((I apologize for the chapters being so short, but there will be loads of them ^.^ )))))

The day went by just like any other day, same old, boring routine. Nothing happened, well except for one thing. Right in the middle of Science class Alice King, yes the Alice King, looked over and winked at me, at me. I was so confused when it happened. Like, what did it mean? Was it an accident? Does she like me? How would Adam react? I spent the entire rest of the class repeating these questions in my head rather than paying attention. (Not that I pay attention anyway)
When it was time for lunch I told Adam what had happened.
"Wait she winked?!"
"At you?"
"Haha. Jokes on you."
"She winked at me too bro, twice" he said, throwing up two fingers.

So she winked at both of us, on the same day she saw both of us in the morning. That makes sense, she must've just been acting friendly, like any "normal" person should. I thought about this too much, when in reality it just had a simple explanation. I need to stop over thinking.

Finally the school day was over, and I headed to my locker to get my things. I unlocked my locker and a purple note fell out, it said "plant pot". Who is this even from?
I got my things and headed outside. First thing I see is Adam standing next to the plant pot in which he had but the small black box that same morning.
"I knew it was you!"
"Uh no, I got a note too." he said showing me another purple piece of paper.
That's odd.
"The black box, it's gone. Someone took it!"
"Why would someone take a pathetic, empty black box from a plant pot?"
"It's not pathetic or empty, it's extremely important!"
"Hah. Right then, what's in it?"
Adam cleared his throat, his face made him look extremely worried. He looked to both sides, assuring no one was around and then he said, "The Altoegang Key"
"The what? What's that?"
"The Altoegang key, practically the most important thing in this country. Holding the information to everyone and everything I'm this country. Along with access to every door you can even think of."
"Did you script that? Because I'm 100% sure all that just didn't come out of your brain naturally."
"No, this is serious."
"Well why did you have the key?"
"I found it."
"You found it?! What so just casually in the middle of the street like 'oh look it's the most important piece of technology this country has to offer, how lovely'?"
"No, see I looked for it, and well I found it."
"Why have I never heard of this 'Altoegang Key' then?" I say, making quotation marks with my fingers.
"Well no one really knows."
"And how do you?"
"Google." he said proudly.
None of this made any type of sense. A key that holds all of the country's records and information, and my completely idiotic friend just happens to have found it.
"There's another note!" Adam says as he was looking around the plant pot. He picked it up and read the note, then handed it to me.
"12am, plant pot"

I informed my parents that I would be sleeping over Adam's, not that they even cared. We had no idea why someone wanted to see us outside the school at midnight. But apparently it had to do with that small, black box.

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