Alice and the Black Box

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Today I woke up early for school. Adam had messaged me the night before, saying he had to tell me something important. Okay now, knowing Adam I knew I shouldn't expect anything actually important, more like some really crappy "yo momma" joke he thought of out of nowhere. But I didn't want to leave him hanging or disappointed.

I walked to school, the sun was in a different spot today, since I usually walk by at a later time. When I got to school I could see Adam had already arrived. He looked so strange, his face looked incredibly tired. "You're here!" He said as I walked towards him.
"Good, good. Now stay quiet!"
"Well maybe you should stop shouting!"
"Oh, right!" he said, lowering his voice to a light whisper.
"I need to show you something"
"Before I show you a single thing, you have to promise you won't say any thing."
I sighed, "I promise."
It seemed as though it was taking his brain too much time to process what I had just said, but after a few seconds he reached into his pocket and took out a small black box.

"Are you proposing?"
"Hah. Seems like it, who's the lucky lady?"
"I'm not proposing. This is serious!"
I could see him getting slightly irritated, and a few people were starting to get here. Including a small group of girls, Stacy Ben, Alice King, Naomi Woods, and some freshman I've only seen about twice.

"Okay, so what's in the box?"
"No way!" I said sarcastically.
"Shut up, I can't show you now"
"Then why did I get here early?"
"Because I needed to tell you to look forward to seeing it."
Exactly what I assumed, nothing actually important, per usual. I swear sometimes I'm amazed at how much I have been able to tolerate from him, but he was my only friend, and I couldn't afford to lose his dumb ass.

Adam took the black box and put it in a plant pot right in front of the school doors. While he was doing that I turned around, only to see Alice King staring directly at Adam and me. She looked extremely puzzled, most likely questioning why he was digging into a plant pot. Adam then turned bright red, but not of embarrassment. Alice was beautiful, that's all there was to say. She had big blue eyes, and long dark brown (may have even been black) hair, with bangs nearly covering up her eyes. She was small and slim, she had quite pale skin. Although it never seemed like Adam had paid much attention to her before, he surely would from now on. Just her presence turned him into a tomato, hair included.
"Um, I'll be off" she said. Her voice sounded so innocent. When she turned around I looked over at Adam whose eyes were wide open and seemed to be in some sort of trance.
"Adam!" I said, as I snapped my fingers in front of his face.
"Who was that?"
"C'mon, that's Alice, Alice King, literally everyone know who she is. You didn't?!"
"Well, no. But I'm really glad I do now"
"Um dude, you're drooling."
Adam wiped his mouth with the side of his hand, "Oh, thanks"
We walked into the school to start another long day. Hopefully neither of us will burst into flames today.

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