Ocean Blue

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(((The photo for this chapter is actually a personal photo of my legs, hand, and phone I found in my parents' friends' basement. I love it so much. Anyway enjoy this chapter, and admire my tiny ankles. ^_^)))

Within a few hours we were in Topeka, Kansas. I expected it to be more like how it was in the Wizard of Oz, and not as populated and modern. (By modern I mean at least from the last 30 years.)

"Don't you need an adult to get a piercing?" asked Adam.

"Yup." said Alice.

"And you have an adult?"


"I don't see her."

"Oh but you will." said Alice.

Alice told Adam to look for a skinny woman, at least 30 years old, with black hair, and preferably with tattoos so she would be more understanding. He found a number of women, most which decided to hit him with their bags. One of the women had spiked studs all over her bag. Adam bruises like a peach, he was so purple you might as well call him a plum.

Walking behind him the entire time as a distance, just when he was incredibly close to giving up, we saw a woman sitting on the side of the road. Skinny, check. At least 30, check. Black hair, check. Tattoos, one. The woman had a tattoo of a large rose with many leaves on her collar bone, which was exposed with the shirt she was wearing, which fit her much too big. She was holding up a sign that said "NEED RIDE TO LAS VEGAS" We walked up to her, together.

"Hello ma'm I'd like to make you an offer." Adam said, then I coughed.

"Actually, we would like to make you an offer." I said.

"We'll take you to Las Vegas.-" Adam said.

"-And we'll buy you some new clothes." I continued.

"What's the catch, kids?" she asked. She didn't have an accent, it seemed like she'd been here for a while and the accent was barely starting to stick.

"You'll see, it's not much, don't worry!" said Adam.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Heidi Ocean Blue Hatcher."

"Wait, Ocean Blue?" I asked.

"Sadly. My parents were hippies back in the 70s. The golden age of the rainbow ones, as i like to call it, not the homosexuals in case that wasn't clear."

"Yeah we got it." said Adam.

"But you can call me Heidi, or Ocean, or Ms. Blue, or Ms. Hatcher. Whatever you want as long as it's not more than one name."

"Okay Ms. Blue come with us."

We walked a bit until finding Alice in a parking lot drinking a soda with a swirly straw.

"Alright so what's the catch?" asked Ms. Blue.

"Ms. Blue, this is Alice. Alice, this is-"

"Mom!" said Alice giving Ms. Blue a hug.

"Why is this child hugging me, and calling me mommy?" said Ms. Blue.

"That's the catch." I said.

"You have to pretend to be her mom so she can get a nose ring."

"And you'll take me to Vegas?"



"Sure?" we all said simultaneously.

"Alright fine, now you young lady, just follow my lead."

"Let's buy you some clothes first okay?"

"Okay, but you buying, alright?"

"That's plan. Let's try to stay as far away form each other as possible, besides me and mommy." said Alice nudging Ms. Blue's side.

"Careful kid, I bruise easily!" said Ms. Blue.

I don't understand how we're gonna spend, who knows how long, with this woman. She seems nice and all but, uh. Yeah, never mind.

Alice took her to a few stores, I stayed at a restaurant and Adam, well I don't know where he went.

I was at a Taco Bell for over an hour. I tried practically everything on the menu, with loads of water to make sure I didn't feel too sick. (That only worked to a certain extent.) I had a few employees come to ask me if i was alright, I said yeah every time, I also lied every time. I felt terrible for yelling at Adam, we rarely ever fought and I feel like this time I really hurt him. I needed to apologize before I ate three more bean burritos, I also needed the bathroom.

I walked out of Taco Bell several minutes later and went to the store Alice said she would be at. It was slightly hard to find, because I'd never been to Topeka, or Kansas, or this region of the country. I walked in to find Alice and Ms. Blue paying at the counter, Alice ran up to me as soon as she saw me.

"Hey, where's Adam?"

"I have no idea, I need to talk to him, I thought he'd be here by now."

"Hey Bowtie! Where's the Red one?" asked Ms. Blue.

"His name is Adam." I said.

"Why are you suddenly defending him? You hated him this morning!"

"Do I sense some drama between you kids? Whew! I knew I was getting myself into something!"

"Yes okay Ms. Blue now lets go get my nose pierced."

"Alrighty twiggy, I still don't know how you guys are actually taking me Vegas, its a little suspicious."

"We'll explain later, but we'll get you there, we promise." I said.

"Yes! Now I have a nose that can't wait any longer to be stabbed with a needle! Come on!" said Alice while pushing Ms. Blue threw the door.

Ms. Blue lead us to the closest tattoo shop, which was not ran by some terrifying man covered in tattoos and leather gear, but my a young looking man with no tattoos (at least none that you could see at plain sight).

"Hi, my name's Heidi, you can just call me Ms. Hatcher." said Ms. Blue shaking the man's hand.

"Lovely to meet you Ms. Hatcher, I'm Stephen, are you getting a tattoo today?"

"Oh no! My daughter here wants to get her nose pierced."

"Ahh, I see. Please follow me." said the man.

"God! When Alice first told me she wanted a nose ring I was like 'What!? In your dreams!, but that girl somehow was able to convince me and now we're here! Crazy huh?"

"Okay I just need you guys to fill this out and I need both of you IDs." Ms. Blue pulled out her ID and handed it to the man, then she looked over at Alice.

"Alice get out your ID, did you forget it?"

"Yeah." said Alice shyly.

"Jesus christ Alice! I told you before we left to make sure to bring it because I was not gonna deal with your nonsense! I'm sorry sir, I'll just drive back really quickly and go get it."

"Oh no! Your fine, it's okay. Just don't mention it to anyone, alright?" said the man.

"Oh you don't have to worry about a thing, young man!" replied Ms. Blue. I looked a Adam amazed, our eyes were both widened. I couldn't believe that they actually pulled this off, I don't think Alice could even believe it. She was making a face I've never seen her make before.

Not even 5 minutes later I watched a needle go through Alice's nose, Ms. Blue held her hand the whole time and Adam nearly passed out as soon at the needle touched the side of her nose. Alice barely flinched.

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